You gotta have a good connection! There is no other way if you are working with anything electrical and want it to work properly. If the connection isn’t good, you experience a lot of frustration until it is corrected. If the connection is good, you will find that you never think about it at all.
I have talked, in the past, about the adventure of fixing Jared’s car. We replaced the alternator and the car wouldn’t start. We replaced the battery, which had died when the alternator went out, and the car started but the battery light wouldn’t go off. We found there were fuses out and replaced those. Still the battery light stayed on and the battery would run down. We found there was a bad connection on the battery and fixed that. Still, we had the same problem. We had a diagnostic test done and found the new alternator was bad. We replaced that and drove it for a couple hours only to have the battery light come on again and the battery ran down.
Car problems are no fun! They are not even fun when your car is still under warranty and you have lots of time and money. When it is no longer under warranty and your time and money is limited car problems can be even more frustrating!
Sunday night we found the source of the problem was a small ground wire that connected to the alternator. It had become worn and frayed causing a short-circuit in the system. They just clipped the wire and crimped on a new connector. Three days later it is still working fine. All of these problems were because of a bad connection.
For some reason, at five A.M. this morning, I thought about that bad connection and couldn’t help but think about my connection to God. How much frustration have I experienced in my life because I haven’t made sure I have a "good connection" to God? How often have I struggled and became "spiritually rundown" because my "ground" wire has become frayed causing a spiritual short?
The Psalmist David wrote, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." (Ps 51:10 KJV) He spent some time talking about sin that had been in his life and asking God to cleanse him from those sins. He is exact in his request to God. He wanted a good connection, a clean heart! He wants to make sure there isn’t anything in his life that will cause a short in the circuit between himself and God.
How often have I let the things of life and sin bring a bad connection in my relationship with God? It isn’t always bad things that have caused me to have a short. It is sometimes something as simple as a distraction. So I began to ask myself what could cause a bad connection between me and my God?
One of the things that came to mind was distraction. Distractions are those things which divert your attention. Distraction comes so easy and appears in so many disguises. When Jared was young, I would tell him that he was easily distracted by shiny objects. It didn’t take much to make him forget what he was doing and he would be doing something else. I have found this to be so true in my spiritual life.
I go to pray and think of something I need to do first. The next thing I know I haven’t prayed and time is gone. I want to read my Bible but get caught up in answering an email that is important or even something else and time is gone. Pretty soon I realize it has been a while since I talked to God or allowed Him to talk to me and there is a bad connection.
I sometimes find myself struggling in my spiritual walk. I am not experiencing the joy that I know I should be feeling. My attitude isn’t really what I want it to be. Some of the "wonder" is missing in my relationship with God. When I begin to check the connections, I often find that I haven’t been as focused in giving praise to God. My worship hasn’t been as intense as it sometimes is. There is a bad connection between me and my God. It is time for me to stop coasting on what others are doing and make a good connection between me and God.
There are times I find myself stymied, at a stand still. In checking my connections I have found that I haven’t been applying the Word of God to my life. When I read His Word I need to ask Him to show me what I need to do with what I am reading. The Bible is more than a good book. It is the road map to life. If I don’t apply it and live by it the Bible just becomes another book. However, when I allow God to reveal His truth to me and begin to live truth the connection is made.
Now I don’t mind admitting that I am a "Jesus Fanatic." Just to make sure that I am, I looked up the word "fanatic" and this is the definition: Enthusiast; Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea: "rabid isolationist."
I was so excited because that is how I feel about Jesus! I am His biggest fan. I am not afraid that someone will say I go overboard in my lifestyle for Jesus. I do not go through life asking why I can’t do certain things in order to live for Him. I try to make my question, "What more can I do to have a better connection with Jesus?"
Let me encourage you to spend some time checking your connections! Go to God in prayer and ask Him to help you see the areas in your life and walk with Him that are becoming frayed and corroded. Get a good connection and watch the power flow in your life!
Remember. It is just a thought!
TEAM is an acronym for Together Experiencing Apostolic Ministry. The experiences of the Book of Acts can be ours as well. We can know the same miracles the Early Church knew. We can also know the changing power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and see healing of the brokenhearted, deliverance of the captives, and the recovering of sight to those who are spiritually blind, to set at liberty them that life has bruised. Together we can Experience Apostolic Ministry!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Gotta Have a Good Connection!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It's Just A Little Thing!
I love it when God takes something simple from everyday life and teaches me a spiritual truth with it. Usually it isn’t profound or deep. It is usually just something simple. That is what happened today, just a while ago. Here, let me share it with you.
Jared has been having trouble with his car for the past several weeks. The alternator went out so he saved a couple hundred dollars up and bought a new one, actually a remanufactored one. A coworker came over and they put the new one on. At this point we found out the battery had been killed when the alternator went out, so save some more money and buy a new battery. However the new alternator was bad and it took several different theories and a couple of diagnostic test (more money) to find this out. I am sure there are some spiritual truths to be learned in all of this but not the one I want to share.
Today Jared got the new part and I went out to lend a helping hand in installing it. Actually I mostly held the front-left side of the car down by leaning on it and watching him. After taking the older one out, with some difficulty, Jared was unable to get the new one back down into its place. There were several hoses and wiring in the way. He had loosened them and moved them out of the way and it still wasn’t working out. Finally he said, "I just can’t get it to go past this ‘do-ma-fligee’!" (Now a do-ma-fligee is Doranese for anything you don’t know the proper name of that is attached to the motor of a car)
I came around and looked at the obstacle only to notice there was another hose that could be moved. I pointed it out to him and when he moved it the part went right into place. It was at this moment a spiritual truth came to my attention. I told Jared, "That is the way it is in our lives so often!" I went on to explain:
There are times, in our lives, when something will try to intrude into our spiritual life. It will poke, prod and push but won’t be able to get in because there are things blocking it. We don’t pay much attention to the blocks, they are just there and have been there for a long time. We are paying attention to that which is trying to get in and we focus on keeping it out with obvious effort.
Then, one day when we are not paying a whole lot of attention, we remove the block. We have forgotten why it is there. It just seems to be a nuisance and who needs it anyway, move it out of the way. When we do that which has been trying to get in has an open door and it slides right in.
Paul tells us in Romans to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. He is warning us to be careful not to allow the flesh any opportunity or it will take advantage. In other words he is telling us not to remove the "blocks" that have been set up to keep sin out of our lives.
Today it might not seem like a big deal but somewhere down the line it will be a big deal. My father was a carpenter and he believed in the old adage, "measure twice, cut once." I loved it when he would tell me, "Don, I cut this board two times and it is still too short!" There was some advice he would often repeat and give a spiritual application to. It you are measuring and you are a sixteenth of an inch off here it might not seem like a big deal, why it is only one little line on most tape measures. However, when you get sixteen inches further along you are now an inch off, which to some folks again might not seem like much. LOOK OUT! When you are sixteen feet further long you are now a foot off and the further you go the further off you are.
How often do we look at things in our lives as not being big deals? We say they don’t really matter or make that much of a difference and yet when they are ignored they end up compounding their effects in our lives to the point they are a big deal. They open areas and give opportunities for other problems and sin to enter our lives and take a hold.
Today it was simply taking a bolt out and moving a power steering hose that allowed an alternator to slide through. What might be keeping sin out of our lives? If we remove that one simple obstacle what sin might we be opening ourselves up to?
Today it is just a sixteenth of an inch and we consider it no big deal! But, a little further on, it is the reason that the door or window doesn’t close or the wall is out of square. Today it is just a little simple matter of saying yes instead of saying no. It is no big deal but somewhere in the future it has opened the door for other things.
I have to wonder where did it start for Judas? What got him off track? He didn’t join Jesus and the disciples to betray Jesus, no that happened because something else wasn’t taken care of earlier. Have you asked where did it start for Demas? Paul said that Demas had forsaken him because he had a love for this world. He didn’t say he had backslidden and walked away from God. However, something had been removed in his life that allowed the love of this present world to grow until it became more important than his ministry. I wonder what the end of that story was? We know it was just staying home from the battle when kings go to war that put David in the wrong place at the wrong time. The result was more than just adultery, which was bad enough, it was a loss of purity in his family. He wasn’t allowed to build the temple. Murder, incest, betrayal and adultery took a stronghold in his family. All of it was the result of protection being removed.
Well, remember it is just a thought! God bless . . .
Jared has been having trouble with his car for the past several weeks. The alternator went out so he saved a couple hundred dollars up and bought a new one, actually a remanufactored one. A coworker came over and they put the new one on. At this point we found out the battery had been killed when the alternator went out, so save some more money and buy a new battery. However the new alternator was bad and it took several different theories and a couple of diagnostic test (more money) to find this out. I am sure there are some spiritual truths to be learned in all of this but not the one I want to share.
Today Jared got the new part and I went out to lend a helping hand in installing it. Actually I mostly held the front-left side of the car down by leaning on it and watching him. After taking the older one out, with some difficulty, Jared was unable to get the new one back down into its place. There were several hoses and wiring in the way. He had loosened them and moved them out of the way and it still wasn’t working out. Finally he said, "I just can’t get it to go past this ‘do-ma-fligee’!" (Now a do-ma-fligee is Doranese for anything you don’t know the proper name of that is attached to the motor of a car)
I came around and looked at the obstacle only to notice there was another hose that could be moved. I pointed it out to him and when he moved it the part went right into place. It was at this moment a spiritual truth came to my attention. I told Jared, "That is the way it is in our lives so often!" I went on to explain:
There are times, in our lives, when something will try to intrude into our spiritual life. It will poke, prod and push but won’t be able to get in because there are things blocking it. We don’t pay much attention to the blocks, they are just there and have been there for a long time. We are paying attention to that which is trying to get in and we focus on keeping it out with obvious effort.
Then, one day when we are not paying a whole lot of attention, we remove the block. We have forgotten why it is there. It just seems to be a nuisance and who needs it anyway, move it out of the way. When we do that which has been trying to get in has an open door and it slides right in.
Paul tells us in Romans to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. He is warning us to be careful not to allow the flesh any opportunity or it will take advantage. In other words he is telling us not to remove the "blocks" that have been set up to keep sin out of our lives.
Today it might not seem like a big deal but somewhere down the line it will be a big deal. My father was a carpenter and he believed in the old adage, "measure twice, cut once." I loved it when he would tell me, "Don, I cut this board two times and it is still too short!" There was some advice he would often repeat and give a spiritual application to. It you are measuring and you are a sixteenth of an inch off here it might not seem like a big deal, why it is only one little line on most tape measures. However, when you get sixteen inches further along you are now an inch off, which to some folks again might not seem like much. LOOK OUT! When you are sixteen feet further long you are now a foot off and the further you go the further off you are.
How often do we look at things in our lives as not being big deals? We say they don’t really matter or make that much of a difference and yet when they are ignored they end up compounding their effects in our lives to the point they are a big deal. They open areas and give opportunities for other problems and sin to enter our lives and take a hold.
Today it was simply taking a bolt out and moving a power steering hose that allowed an alternator to slide through. What might be keeping sin out of our lives? If we remove that one simple obstacle what sin might we be opening ourselves up to?
Today it is just a sixteenth of an inch and we consider it no big deal! But, a little further on, it is the reason that the door or window doesn’t close or the wall is out of square. Today it is just a little simple matter of saying yes instead of saying no. It is no big deal but somewhere in the future it has opened the door for other things.
I have to wonder where did it start for Judas? What got him off track? He didn’t join Jesus and the disciples to betray Jesus, no that happened because something else wasn’t taken care of earlier. Have you asked where did it start for Demas? Paul said that Demas had forsaken him because he had a love for this world. He didn’t say he had backslidden and walked away from God. However, something had been removed in his life that allowed the love of this present world to grow until it became more important than his ministry. I wonder what the end of that story was? We know it was just staying home from the battle when kings go to war that put David in the wrong place at the wrong time. The result was more than just adultery, which was bad enough, it was a loss of purity in his family. He wasn’t allowed to build the temple. Murder, incest, betrayal and adultery took a stronghold in his family. All of it was the result of protection being removed.
Well, remember it is just a thought! God bless . . .
Thursday, October 14, 2010
How's Your Thinking Been?
Have you ever read a passage of scripture, or maybe just a verse, many times and one day read it only to realize you haven’t read it that way before? This happens to me on a frequent basis. In fact it just happened the other night. Let me share what happened.
Jared and I had been having a discussion. We had been talking about some different things, some of which were happening in our lives and some that were not happening. After several minutes of talking I told Jared, "I really feel like I need to spend some time in prayer, will you join me?" Of course he joined me and we enjoyed a good time of discussion with God about our concerns.
Many months ago, while in a prayer meeting, a passage of scripture had come very forcefully to my mind. I had looked it up and the verses had become directive and favorites in my personal arsenal of scriptures. In fact I wrote an article about the incident titled, "My Friend Said Don’t Be Careful!" As I was praying this passage came to mind and I felt to share it with Jared.
As I began to read the verses I was inspired that God would again use these verses for a reminder of the peace He offers and assures us of. Only this time I did not stop where I usually stop but continued reading the next several verses. That is when I realized I had missed something on the earlier occasions of reading the verses. In fact I had been missing something here all my life.
In Philippians chapter four and verses six and seven the writer Paul tells us, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Another word for careful is worry which is the main thing I needed to hear on the previous occasion. God, or my friend, told me to stop worrying!
Worry is simply the wringing of your hands wondering what you are going to do or what is going to happen. I have been around some worriers in my life. A really good worrier can create monsters out of nothing. Their minds will make mountains out of ant hills! It is the result of an undisciplined mind and Paul said we are not to worry but to take our needs to God in prayer. We are to ask of God, with thankfulness, those things which we are concerned about. When we do this, God will allow a peace to come upon us that will protect our emotions and our thoughts. To me this is exciting!
Here is where my last reading became even more interesting. I have found it to be true that when we pray we often undo our prayers because of a lack of faith which is evident through our verbal conversation. We ask God to meet a financial need, then talk about how poor we are, what a struggle we are in and how much we lack. We ask God for healing and then talk about all of the pain and suffering we are experiencing. Our conversation destroys our faith and also negates the peace of God which God has given us. Lookout, here come the ulcers!
Paul continues with his instruction in Philippians chapter four and verse eight by saying, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." HOLD THE BUS! I had never read this passage with the passages mentioned earlier. What a new thought this produced!
Jared mentioned how powerful scriptural principles will be to us if we read them as they are written, in the proper context. I have often read and quoted verse eight and given instruction that we should use it as a guide for living or thinking. However, I have never thought of it as a guide for believing!
So basically Paul is telling us to stop worrying. He is telling us to pray in a certain way. He is telling us that God will send an unexplainable peace to protect our hearts and minds. Then he is telling us to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praise worthy. Wow! So instead of destroying my faith and tearing down what I am actually trying to accomplish, I will be strengthening them through this change of attitude. I will be continuing to reside in peace because I will be erecting a wall of protection around my heart and mind by my conduct.
Paul underlines this principle in verse nine when he said, "Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." Do what we know is right. Follow Paul in as he follows Christ. Listen to the Word and apply it to your life. Doing these things will result in "the God of peace" being with us.
In a nutshell we need to stop worrying! Bring our needs to God in prayer, asking of Him with thanksgiving. We can enjoy the peace in the midst of turmoil knowing God will protect our emotions and thinking. We are thinking on the good things and pushing aside the bad worrisome things. We keep doing what we have heard to do from the Word of God. As a result God will be with us. God will, I know I already said it but I have to say it again, be with us!
Just remember, It’s just a thought!
Jared and I had been having a discussion. We had been talking about some different things, some of which were happening in our lives and some that were not happening. After several minutes of talking I told Jared, "I really feel like I need to spend some time in prayer, will you join me?" Of course he joined me and we enjoyed a good time of discussion with God about our concerns.
Many months ago, while in a prayer meeting, a passage of scripture had come very forcefully to my mind. I had looked it up and the verses had become directive and favorites in my personal arsenal of scriptures. In fact I wrote an article about the incident titled, "My Friend Said Don’t Be Careful!" As I was praying this passage came to mind and I felt to share it with Jared.
As I began to read the verses I was inspired that God would again use these verses for a reminder of the peace He offers and assures us of. Only this time I did not stop where I usually stop but continued reading the next several verses. That is when I realized I had missed something on the earlier occasions of reading the verses. In fact I had been missing something here all my life.
In Philippians chapter four and verses six and seven the writer Paul tells us, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Another word for careful is worry which is the main thing I needed to hear on the previous occasion. God, or my friend, told me to stop worrying!
Worry is simply the wringing of your hands wondering what you are going to do or what is going to happen. I have been around some worriers in my life. A really good worrier can create monsters out of nothing. Their minds will make mountains out of ant hills! It is the result of an undisciplined mind and Paul said we are not to worry but to take our needs to God in prayer. We are to ask of God, with thankfulness, those things which we are concerned about. When we do this, God will allow a peace to come upon us that will protect our emotions and our thoughts. To me this is exciting!
Here is where my last reading became even more interesting. I have found it to be true that when we pray we often undo our prayers because of a lack of faith which is evident through our verbal conversation. We ask God to meet a financial need, then talk about how poor we are, what a struggle we are in and how much we lack. We ask God for healing and then talk about all of the pain and suffering we are experiencing. Our conversation destroys our faith and also negates the peace of God which God has given us. Lookout, here come the ulcers!
Paul continues with his instruction in Philippians chapter four and verse eight by saying, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." HOLD THE BUS! I had never read this passage with the passages mentioned earlier. What a new thought this produced!
Jared mentioned how powerful scriptural principles will be to us if we read them as they are written, in the proper context. I have often read and quoted verse eight and given instruction that we should use it as a guide for living or thinking. However, I have never thought of it as a guide for believing!
So basically Paul is telling us to stop worrying. He is telling us to pray in a certain way. He is telling us that God will send an unexplainable peace to protect our hearts and minds. Then he is telling us to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praise worthy. Wow! So instead of destroying my faith and tearing down what I am actually trying to accomplish, I will be strengthening them through this change of attitude. I will be continuing to reside in peace because I will be erecting a wall of protection around my heart and mind by my conduct.
Paul underlines this principle in verse nine when he said, "Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." Do what we know is right. Follow Paul in as he follows Christ. Listen to the Word and apply it to your life. Doing these things will result in "the God of peace" being with us.
In a nutshell we need to stop worrying! Bring our needs to God in prayer, asking of Him with thanksgiving. We can enjoy the peace in the midst of turmoil knowing God will protect our emotions and thinking. We are thinking on the good things and pushing aside the bad worrisome things. We keep doing what we have heard to do from the Word of God. As a result God will be with us. God will, I know I already said it but I have to say it again, be with us!
Just remember, It’s just a thought!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Six Little Foxes...
Have you ever noticed that it is the little thing in life that cause you the most problems? Oh I know, we watch out for the BIG things so we really don’t have problems with them. However, LOOK OUT for those little things!
I have never in my life been tempted to rob a bank or a gas station. That is ludicrous! If I were to be caught, and of course I would be, I would spend time in jail and just the thought of incarceration terrifies me. However the temptation has been there more than once to pocket the excess change. More than one time I have struggled with myself about being completely honest on my income tax filing. All of these would be considered stealing by God but I have the tendency to classify some not so bad as others. We must watch out for the little things.
This was brought to my attention today by a friend making a comment about the need to stop the problem we deal with while they are small. I was reminded of a sermon my father preached about thirty-four years ago. Let me share a bit of it with you: It was a Sunday morning much like many other Sunday mornings in the past. We had gathered in the little gray Church building for worship after coming back from our respective Sunday School classes. We had the reports from each Sunday School class. We sang a couple of songs from the songbook. It was just a typical Sunday until the Pastor got up to preach.
He asked us to open our Bibles to the Songs of Solomon and a titter ran through the youth group. This is what he read:
"Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes," (Song of Solomon 2:15) KJV.
From that point on you didn’t hear another covered laugh or snicker. The Pastor preached with great anointing about the little things in our lives that hinder or walks with God. He explained how the little foxes would play in the vineyard under the grape vines where they were shaded. They would run under them and knock off the tender grapes and ruin the crops. He started to list the "Six Little Foxes" but the Spirit of God began to move and long a long story made short is that he preached on the "Little Foxes" for six weeks, one each week. For the next twenty years those people who were in those services still referenced those messages about the "Little Foxes."
Little Fox Number One: "A Little Sleep" Proverbs 6:6-11 ". . . 10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep . . ." KJV
How easy it is to become tired in the midst of the battle and want to stop to take a nap. How easy it is while building a house to stop and let it sit without finishing the project. How easy it is for a house to decay and fall apart because it isn’t taken care of, (Ecclesiastis 10:18). It is just a little slumber or just a little sleep.
Little Fox Number Two: "A Little Foolishness" Ecclesiastis 10:1, "Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour." KJV
The spirit of our age is "Foolishness" or "silliness." It is so easy for the Christian to succumb to that spirit. Let me be entertained! Play for me, dance for me, so my mind can be at ease! For David it was a moment of "silliness" or "foolishness" that the "Little Fox" spoiled his vine. While other kings were at war, he walked on his house top with his mind opened to the temptations at hand.
How easy it is for us to make excuses for the need of foolishness in our lives. How easy it is to open our spirits to the "silliness" of this world. We allow our tender spirits to be spoiled and destroyed to the point we are no longer interested in "hungering and thirsting after righteousness . . ." or that which is pleasing to God. We are more interested in being entertained.
Little Fox Number Three: "A Little Leaven" or a little sin. 1 Corinthians 5:6-7, "Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened . . ." KJV
We look at it and say it isn’t much, it is just a little thing. Moses, the great leader of Israel, missed out on the Promise Land because he smote the rock instead of speaking to it as God directed. Just a little sin! Israel lost the battle with Ai after defeating Jericho because of a little sin! Saul saved the best of the cattle for a sacrifice. Partial obedience is disobedience, just a little sin! Miriam spoke against the wife of Moses, her brother, who was also the man of God. Leprosy came upon her, just a little sin!
Leaven in the New Testament is likened unto sin. Paul said it just takes a little sin to make the whole lump full of sin. We need to consistently confess our sins to God. We need to join the Psalmist and ask God to, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting," (Psalms 139:23-24) KJV.
Little Fox Number Four: "A Little Faith" Mark 4:40, "And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?" KJV
Faith is acting upon what you believe. James speaks of faith without actions as nothing. The disciples had been told by Jesus they were going to the "other side" yet when the storm came there was no faith. Their confidence had left them. They refused to live through the storm as if they were going to the other side. They cried out to Jesus they were perishing.
We so often respond to the storms of life in terror! Our time is spent foolishly on things that have no eternal benefit and when the storms of life "assail us" we cannot believe that He will stand by us. Our faith is gone! Our motivation has left us! God steps in and calms the storm and we look at Him in wonder and say, "Where did He come from?" Yet just a while back He had worked miracles in our lives. Just a little faith!
Little Fox Number Five: "A Little Tongue" or a little member but big trouble! James 3:5, "Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!" KJV
Let me just list a few things about the tongue the Pastor said that day. (1) Galatians 5:13-15, Do not bite and devour each other. (2) 2 Peter 2:1 beware of false prophets and teachers who will bring teaching that denies God and will speak evil of truth. (3) Gossiping or being a busy body in other people’s business, Proverbs 26:20, 2 Corinthians 12:20, 1 Peter 4:15. (4) Lying, there is no such thing as a little lie! Read Proverbs 6: 16-19 and also Revelations 21:8. (5) Murmuring, grumbling or complaining and stop the disputing or fussing, 1 Corinthians 10:10-11 and Philippians 2:14.
Little Fox Number Six: "A Little Love" or Jonah a preacher without a burden! Just read the book of Jonah, he tells on himself. He was a burdenless preacher preaching damnation to a sinful nation with no care but for himself and his own comfort. They turn rather than burn, yet he sets and fails to respond to their need for God.
How easy to find ourselves caught in this trap. We become more interested in our comfort and enjoyment than in the need of our world to hear the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. How easy to become self-centered and fail to touch the life of our neighbor. Jesus said the proof of our discipleship wasn’t in how well versed we were in doctrine or how obedient we were to the rules and regulations. Jesus said the proof of our Discipleship was simply in the love we have for one another.
A few decades have passed since the Pastor stood and preached on these "Little Foxes." Fads have changed and the challenges that we face today might come in a different disguise than they wore thirty years ago. The old preacher has transferred his residence to the streets of gold yet the message is as relevant today as it was that day. I need to watch for the little things that will mess me up. I have to be vigilant for the "Little Foxes" that will destroy the tender grapes or fruit my life is producing.
Thanks to my friend for your comment and story that brought this back to my memory. I have enjoyed a walk down memory’s lane. More than that, I have enjoyed the reminder to be careful with my soul.
Remember, "It’s just a thought!"
I have never in my life been tempted to rob a bank or a gas station. That is ludicrous! If I were to be caught, and of course I would be, I would spend time in jail and just the thought of incarceration terrifies me. However the temptation has been there more than once to pocket the excess change. More than one time I have struggled with myself about being completely honest on my income tax filing. All of these would be considered stealing by God but I have the tendency to classify some not so bad as others. We must watch out for the little things.
This was brought to my attention today by a friend making a comment about the need to stop the problem we deal with while they are small. I was reminded of a sermon my father preached about thirty-four years ago. Let me share a bit of it with you: It was a Sunday morning much like many other Sunday mornings in the past. We had gathered in the little gray Church building for worship after coming back from our respective Sunday School classes. We had the reports from each Sunday School class. We sang a couple of songs from the songbook. It was just a typical Sunday until the Pastor got up to preach.
He asked us to open our Bibles to the Songs of Solomon and a titter ran through the youth group. This is what he read:
"Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes," (Song of Solomon 2:15) KJV.
From that point on you didn’t hear another covered laugh or snicker. The Pastor preached with great anointing about the little things in our lives that hinder or walks with God. He explained how the little foxes would play in the vineyard under the grape vines where they were shaded. They would run under them and knock off the tender grapes and ruin the crops. He started to list the "Six Little Foxes" but the Spirit of God began to move and long a long story made short is that he preached on the "Little Foxes" for six weeks, one each week. For the next twenty years those people who were in those services still referenced those messages about the "Little Foxes."
Little Fox Number One: "A Little Sleep" Proverbs 6:6-11 ". . . 10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep . . ." KJV
How easy it is to become tired in the midst of the battle and want to stop to take a nap. How easy it is while building a house to stop and let it sit without finishing the project. How easy it is for a house to decay and fall apart because it isn’t taken care of, (Ecclesiastis 10:18). It is just a little slumber or just a little sleep.
Little Fox Number Two: "A Little Foolishness" Ecclesiastis 10:1, "Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour." KJV
The spirit of our age is "Foolishness" or "silliness." It is so easy for the Christian to succumb to that spirit. Let me be entertained! Play for me, dance for me, so my mind can be at ease! For David it was a moment of "silliness" or "foolishness" that the "Little Fox" spoiled his vine. While other kings were at war, he walked on his house top with his mind opened to the temptations at hand.
How easy it is for us to make excuses for the need of foolishness in our lives. How easy it is to open our spirits to the "silliness" of this world. We allow our tender spirits to be spoiled and destroyed to the point we are no longer interested in "hungering and thirsting after righteousness . . ." or that which is pleasing to God. We are more interested in being entertained.
Little Fox Number Three: "A Little Leaven" or a little sin. 1 Corinthians 5:6-7, "Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened . . ." KJV
We look at it and say it isn’t much, it is just a little thing. Moses, the great leader of Israel, missed out on the Promise Land because he smote the rock instead of speaking to it as God directed. Just a little sin! Israel lost the battle with Ai after defeating Jericho because of a little sin! Saul saved the best of the cattle for a sacrifice. Partial obedience is disobedience, just a little sin! Miriam spoke against the wife of Moses, her brother, who was also the man of God. Leprosy came upon her, just a little sin!
Leaven in the New Testament is likened unto sin. Paul said it just takes a little sin to make the whole lump full of sin. We need to consistently confess our sins to God. We need to join the Psalmist and ask God to, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting," (Psalms 139:23-24) KJV.
Little Fox Number Four: "A Little Faith" Mark 4:40, "And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?" KJV
Faith is acting upon what you believe. James speaks of faith without actions as nothing. The disciples had been told by Jesus they were going to the "other side" yet when the storm came there was no faith. Their confidence had left them. They refused to live through the storm as if they were going to the other side. They cried out to Jesus they were perishing.
We so often respond to the storms of life in terror! Our time is spent foolishly on things that have no eternal benefit and when the storms of life "assail us" we cannot believe that He will stand by us. Our faith is gone! Our motivation has left us! God steps in and calms the storm and we look at Him in wonder and say, "Where did He come from?" Yet just a while back He had worked miracles in our lives. Just a little faith!
Little Fox Number Five: "A Little Tongue" or a little member but big trouble! James 3:5, "Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!" KJV
Let me just list a few things about the tongue the Pastor said that day. (1) Galatians 5:13-15, Do not bite and devour each other. (2) 2 Peter 2:1 beware of false prophets and teachers who will bring teaching that denies God and will speak evil of truth. (3) Gossiping or being a busy body in other people’s business, Proverbs 26:20, 2 Corinthians 12:20, 1 Peter 4:15. (4) Lying, there is no such thing as a little lie! Read Proverbs 6: 16-19 and also Revelations 21:8. (5) Murmuring, grumbling or complaining and stop the disputing or fussing, 1 Corinthians 10:10-11 and Philippians 2:14.
Little Fox Number Six: "A Little Love" or Jonah a preacher without a burden! Just read the book of Jonah, he tells on himself. He was a burdenless preacher preaching damnation to a sinful nation with no care but for himself and his own comfort. They turn rather than burn, yet he sets and fails to respond to their need for God.
How easy to find ourselves caught in this trap. We become more interested in our comfort and enjoyment than in the need of our world to hear the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. How easy to become self-centered and fail to touch the life of our neighbor. Jesus said the proof of our discipleship wasn’t in how well versed we were in doctrine or how obedient we were to the rules and regulations. Jesus said the proof of our Discipleship was simply in the love we have for one another.
A few decades have passed since the Pastor stood and preached on these "Little Foxes." Fads have changed and the challenges that we face today might come in a different disguise than they wore thirty years ago. The old preacher has transferred his residence to the streets of gold yet the message is as relevant today as it was that day. I need to watch for the little things that will mess me up. I have to be vigilant for the "Little Foxes" that will destroy the tender grapes or fruit my life is producing.
Thanks to my friend for your comment and story that brought this back to my memory. I have enjoyed a walk down memory’s lane. More than that, I have enjoyed the reminder to be careful with my soul.
Remember, "It’s just a thought!"
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Desperate Men are Radical!
The sword made a screeching, scratchy sound as it was drawn across the floor. The one hundred and forty, battle weary, men looked on in silence, wondering what was the meaning of this exhibition? Why had they been called from their posts? There were no sentries on guard, and everyone had been called to this meeting. Why?
Finally, a line had been drawn across the length of the great room. Colonel William Travis stepped across the line that was made by his sword. He turned and looked at the 141 men that were before him and said, "Men, there is a chance that those desiring to do so, could slip through enemy lines tonight and escape to safety. There is also the chance that if some of us will stay here and fight, the rest of the Army fo Texas could regroup and go on to win the war. If you want to remain and give them this chance, just step across the line."
The rest is history. One hundred and thirty-nine men stepped across the line. The one hundred and fortieth man had his bed carried across the line. And yes each of them died in the Alamo on March 6, 1836.
Why did they do it? They were desperate men, desperate to have freedom from tyranny! Their desperation made them radical in their actions. Their actions did keep General Santa Anna and his army of 6,000 to 7,000 men occupied for twelve days. They did kill or mortally wound 1,500 enemy soldiers. They did give the army of Texas time to regroup. Because of their extreme, on April 12, 1836, some thirty-seven days later, General Santa Anna and his army met defeat at the hands of the Army of Texas screaming "Remember the Alamo!"
Let’s take a moment to look at a couple of words. The first is Desperate, which has the following words as synonyms: Extreme, Bold, Excessive, Heroic, Drastic, Frantic, Reckless, Rash. The second word is Radical, which has the following words as synonyms: Revolutionary, Excessive, Extravagant, Extreme, Fanatical, Violent, Nonconformist, Fundamental, Essential.
A desperate person will go to any means necessary to accomplish what has to be done. Paul is on his way to Jerusalem and people are begging him not to go. One even prophesied that if he goes he will end up in prison. However, Paul is a desperate man thus making him radical in his actions. He asked them to stop breaking his heart. He feels he has to go to Jerusalem to preach of the grace of the Lord Jesus. He says to them he is not only willing to be bound but also willing to die for the Gospel. (Acts 20:22-24 & Acts 21:11-13)
There is no reasoning with a man who is desperate. Desperation is extreme, bold and excessive. It leads to drastic measures. It breeds recklessness and frantic actions. Oh yeah, the desperate man will be radical. He will become revolutionary in his thinking. There is no excess with an excessive man! He will not conform but will be extravagant in his course of action fueled by the desperation that resides inside of him.
We are living in a day when the Church world has become complacent in its relationship with Jesus Christ. I am reminded of two of the Churches of Asia found in the Book of Revelations. The Church of Ephesus had left their first love. They weren’t sinning like several of the other Churches that were written to. They had just lost that deep burning love for God they once had. Their relationship had lost it zip. They had become more interested in other things than they were in God. They had begun to take God for granted.
The second Church I am reminded of is the Church of Laodicea. They were a complacent Church. God called them "lukewarm" and said it made Him sick enough to puke. They weren’t hot! They weren’t cold! They thought they had arrived and didn’t need anything else. They were wrapped up in what they had and what they had accomplished and no longer were hungry for more of God.
Both of these Churches are warned by God they are on the verge of rejection from Him. Ephesus is about to have their candlestick removed and Laodicea is about to be spit out. Church of the 21st century it is time we woke up and realized we need to get desperate for more of God. We need to become extremist in our relationship with God. It doesn’t matter what I experienced yesterday, what does God have for me today.
The Psalmist was hungry for God. He asked God to show him His ways, to lead him in His paths. He had a relationship with God. God had moved mightily in his life. Yet there was a hunger in his soul to know more about God. His cry was, Show me your divine ways. Show me how you live! Show me what you consider to be right! Teach me the path that you follow. I have got to know how to please you.
Teach me your truth, lead me to live it. It will bring my salvation. When was the last time I prayed that kind of a prayer? But a man who is desperate and hungry for more of God will cry out, "Show me! Lead me! Teach me!"
Paul wrote to the Phillippian Church that he wanted to know God. I have often by struck by the fact that Paul, who had accomplished so much for God, felt lacking in this area. However it is then I realize that he was a desperate man, reckless and radical. He was a man willing to be extreme in order to have the relationship with God that God wanted him to have.
This evening I received a phone call from a pastor who shared with me that for the past several months, about nine months, the church he pastors have been seeking God and desiring the Spiritual things of God in their lives. During this time, as people have sought God they have been directed by God to make changes in their lives and families. Satellite tv’s have been disconnected. Percentage of giving has been increased in some families. More time has been focused on prayer and Bible reading. These are desperate people and so they are radical.
Last night a seven-year-old girl was in the altar seeking God to give her the Holy Ghost. She was touched in a mighty way by God during that time. This afternoon her father came home and she was engaged in a conversation with her mother. As the father joined in she began to ask him questions like, "Daddy why don’t we do different things?" (These things included dancing, wearing make-up, smoking and many other things.) His reply to each of the things she mentioned was, "We don’t feel that Jesus likes those things." To this she replied, "Why do we watch movies where they do all of these things that you say Jesus doesn’t like?"
The pastor told me that the father had called him and said he had just gotten rid of more than twelve hundred movies because when he asked himself what was being portrayed in each of them it was something that Jesus would not be happy with! He had already disconnected his satellite tv several months ago. I am talking about desperate men being radical! Going to the extreme! Becoming reckless in their desire to have a greater relationship with God.
What would happen if we fell on our faces before God and asked Him to show us what stood between Him and us? What would happen if we asked God to show us what had interfered with our first love? I am talking about being desperate! Desperate men are radical! What would happen if we asked God to show us how to become on fire for Him? What would God have us to do? Where would this take us in our relationship with Him?
Are we to the point of desperation? Are we willing to become radical for Jesus? Are we willing to change our lives to the point of making sacrifices that hurt and cost? Are we willing to become different?
Desperate men walk to the beat of a different drum. It was a man desperate for liberty from tyranny that stood in the meeting house one day and cried, "If this be tyranny make the best of it! Give me liberty or give me death!"
It was a man who walked to a different drum beat that stood and said if you want to serve the gods of your fathers in Egypt you go ahead, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord! Desperate men are radical . . . give me more of God!
Remember, it’s just a thought!
Finally, a line had been drawn across the length of the great room. Colonel William Travis stepped across the line that was made by his sword. He turned and looked at the 141 men that were before him and said, "Men, there is a chance that those desiring to do so, could slip through enemy lines tonight and escape to safety. There is also the chance that if some of us will stay here and fight, the rest of the Army fo Texas could regroup and go on to win the war. If you want to remain and give them this chance, just step across the line."
The rest is history. One hundred and thirty-nine men stepped across the line. The one hundred and fortieth man had his bed carried across the line. And yes each of them died in the Alamo on March 6, 1836.
Why did they do it? They were desperate men, desperate to have freedom from tyranny! Their desperation made them radical in their actions. Their actions did keep General Santa Anna and his army of 6,000 to 7,000 men occupied for twelve days. They did kill or mortally wound 1,500 enemy soldiers. They did give the army of Texas time to regroup. Because of their extreme, on April 12, 1836, some thirty-seven days later, General Santa Anna and his army met defeat at the hands of the Army of Texas screaming "Remember the Alamo!"
Let’s take a moment to look at a couple of words. The first is Desperate, which has the following words as synonyms: Extreme, Bold, Excessive, Heroic, Drastic, Frantic, Reckless, Rash. The second word is Radical, which has the following words as synonyms: Revolutionary, Excessive, Extravagant, Extreme, Fanatical, Violent, Nonconformist, Fundamental, Essential.
A desperate person will go to any means necessary to accomplish what has to be done. Paul is on his way to Jerusalem and people are begging him not to go. One even prophesied that if he goes he will end up in prison. However, Paul is a desperate man thus making him radical in his actions. He asked them to stop breaking his heart. He feels he has to go to Jerusalem to preach of the grace of the Lord Jesus. He says to them he is not only willing to be bound but also willing to die for the Gospel. (Acts 20:22-24 & Acts 21:11-13)
There is no reasoning with a man who is desperate. Desperation is extreme, bold and excessive. It leads to drastic measures. It breeds recklessness and frantic actions. Oh yeah, the desperate man will be radical. He will become revolutionary in his thinking. There is no excess with an excessive man! He will not conform but will be extravagant in his course of action fueled by the desperation that resides inside of him.
We are living in a day when the Church world has become complacent in its relationship with Jesus Christ. I am reminded of two of the Churches of Asia found in the Book of Revelations. The Church of Ephesus had left their first love. They weren’t sinning like several of the other Churches that were written to. They had just lost that deep burning love for God they once had. Their relationship had lost it zip. They had become more interested in other things than they were in God. They had begun to take God for granted.
The second Church I am reminded of is the Church of Laodicea. They were a complacent Church. God called them "lukewarm" and said it made Him sick enough to puke. They weren’t hot! They weren’t cold! They thought they had arrived and didn’t need anything else. They were wrapped up in what they had and what they had accomplished and no longer were hungry for more of God.
Both of these Churches are warned by God they are on the verge of rejection from Him. Ephesus is about to have their candlestick removed and Laodicea is about to be spit out. Church of the 21st century it is time we woke up and realized we need to get desperate for more of God. We need to become extremist in our relationship with God. It doesn’t matter what I experienced yesterday, what does God have for me today.
The Psalmist was hungry for God. He asked God to show him His ways, to lead him in His paths. He had a relationship with God. God had moved mightily in his life. Yet there was a hunger in his soul to know more about God. His cry was, Show me your divine ways. Show me how you live! Show me what you consider to be right! Teach me the path that you follow. I have got to know how to please you.
Teach me your truth, lead me to live it. It will bring my salvation. When was the last time I prayed that kind of a prayer? But a man who is desperate and hungry for more of God will cry out, "Show me! Lead me! Teach me!"
Paul wrote to the Phillippian Church that he wanted to know God. I have often by struck by the fact that Paul, who had accomplished so much for God, felt lacking in this area. However it is then I realize that he was a desperate man, reckless and radical. He was a man willing to be extreme in order to have the relationship with God that God wanted him to have.
This evening I received a phone call from a pastor who shared with me that for the past several months, about nine months, the church he pastors have been seeking God and desiring the Spiritual things of God in their lives. During this time, as people have sought God they have been directed by God to make changes in their lives and families. Satellite tv’s have been disconnected. Percentage of giving has been increased in some families. More time has been focused on prayer and Bible reading. These are desperate people and so they are radical.
Last night a seven-year-old girl was in the altar seeking God to give her the Holy Ghost. She was touched in a mighty way by God during that time. This afternoon her father came home and she was engaged in a conversation with her mother. As the father joined in she began to ask him questions like, "Daddy why don’t we do different things?" (These things included dancing, wearing make-up, smoking and many other things.) His reply to each of the things she mentioned was, "We don’t feel that Jesus likes those things." To this she replied, "Why do we watch movies where they do all of these things that you say Jesus doesn’t like?"
The pastor told me that the father had called him and said he had just gotten rid of more than twelve hundred movies because when he asked himself what was being portrayed in each of them it was something that Jesus would not be happy with! He had already disconnected his satellite tv several months ago. I am talking about desperate men being radical! Going to the extreme! Becoming reckless in their desire to have a greater relationship with God.
What would happen if we fell on our faces before God and asked Him to show us what stood between Him and us? What would happen if we asked God to show us what had interfered with our first love? I am talking about being desperate! Desperate men are radical! What would happen if we asked God to show us how to become on fire for Him? What would God have us to do? Where would this take us in our relationship with Him?
Are we to the point of desperation? Are we willing to become radical for Jesus? Are we willing to change our lives to the point of making sacrifices that hurt and cost? Are we willing to become different?
Desperate men walk to the beat of a different drum. It was a man desperate for liberty from tyranny that stood in the meeting house one day and cried, "If this be tyranny make the best of it! Give me liberty or give me death!"
It was a man who walked to a different drum beat that stood and said if you want to serve the gods of your fathers in Egypt you go ahead, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord! Desperate men are radical . . . give me more of God!
Remember, it’s just a thought!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Have You Considered Your Miracle?
Have you ever been going along enjoying life? I am talking about everything just going great. The kids are all doing well, no problems there. The boss seems to think you are the greatest, no problems there. The car is running perfect, in fact getting the best gas mileage it has ever gotten, no problems there. Your mother in law even acts like she likes you, no problems there.
Then suddenly, out of no where, troubles come pouring in! The kids are in trouble with the teacher, problems there! The teacher is in trouble with the principal, problems there! The boss isn’t happy with anything you try to do, problems there! Even if you stood on your head they wouldn’t be happy, problems there! The car no longer is your friend, problems there! Your mother in law has decided you are just as bad as she said you were before you married your spouse, problems there!
The sun has gone behind more than a cloud. It has totally disappeared and the bright sun shine is gone. In its place is a dark dismal gloomy day! Have you ever had this happen to you? Do you know what I am talking about?
Most folks started nodding their heads in agreement at the start of the second paragraph. That doesn’t mean that they are pessimist. It doesn’t mean that they are always looking at the doom and gloom. It does mean they are living life. This is the way that life is. One minute you are going along thinking life couldn’t get any better. The next you are going along and thinking life couldn’t get any worse. That is life!
A while back, I was involved in an “on-line” discussion. Now this was a Christian discussion so the blood was only flowing as high as the “horse’s stirrups,” it hadn’t gotten as high as the bridles yet. One participant said, with great emphasis, “I am screaming READ MARK 6, READ MARK 6!!”
Well instantly I am interested in what Mark chapter 6 has to say about our discussion. I reach over to my trusty mouse and take it in my delicate little hand. I click, and then I click again. I wiggle it and click again. Then I type a few strokes on the keyboard and wallah! I am reading from Mark 6 on my Bible. (I love computers!)
Now try as I might I never did figure out what Mark chapter 6 had to do with what we were talking about in the discussion. After reading it a couple of times I realized that the discusser must have made a typo. I also realized, at the same time, that God had probably allowed it to happen because He had something to say to me from Mark chapter 6.
The disciples have been ministering. Jesus had taken them with Him as He went from town to town. They had observed Him as He had ministered. Then Jesus had sent them into the surrounding area in groups of two.
Their efforts and works were blessed. Devils were cast out. They anointed the sick with oil and they recovered. They preached a message of repentance that resounded all of the way to the king’s house. Their missionary tour has been blessed.
Yet when they returned the disciples are very weary. Life hasn’t been treating them all that well. The pressure has been great. In fact, the emphasis of their report to Jesus is the death of John the Baptist.
Seemingly, just in the nick of time, Jesus steps on the scene and tells them it is time to take a vacation. In fact, let’s make it a little cruise. He tells them to get in the ship and they go to a desert place. It was just Jesus and His disciples.
Well, that was the way the travel agent told them it would be. You know, take this trip and get away from all of the pressure. Just enjoy life at a faraway place. So off they go and when they got there, they were met by the crowds. In fact, they were met by large crowds that wanted their attention.
Instead of resting and being able to refresh themselves, they must again work. Rather than a time of relaxation it became many hours of serving. Instead of having a time alone with the Master they had to share that time with a multitude of people.
Jesus begins to teach those who have come to learn from Him. The day passes and the crowd grows. The disciples realize the people need to eat. It is also at this time they realized the local McD’s isn’t going to work. In fact, there is not a place close enough for the people to find food.
It is interesting as you read this passage the disciples realize the lateness of the day and the fact they do not have any food with them is a big problem. They actually tell Jesus to send the people away so they can find food.
We need to realize that Jesus has set the scene for a miracle. He says to His disciples, “Why don’t you feed them?”
Not totally “with it” the disciples ask Jesus, “Do you want us to go get food for everyone?” They aren’t following His thought pattern at this time.
Jesus then asks “How much food do you have? Go ask the people.”
Too often we see our problem as a road block. We view it as the end of the line. We are ready to bail out, to jump off. We are seeing a train wreck about to happen. Yet at the same time God is seeing it as an opportunity for a miracle!
We see the multitude that needs to be fed. We recognize the need and are very concerned that it be met. Then we are ready to give up on the situation right then. In our opinion it can’t get any worse. Jesus sees the need and recognizes the multitude needs to be fed and in his opinion things are just perfect, it is a miracle setting.
They inquire of the people and come up with five loaves and two fish which they present to Jesus. He takes them, breaks them in pieces and feeds a multitude of people. What an incredible miracle. It is a miracle that many times we brush over because of the familiarity of the story. From nothing he feeds a multitude of people. Five thousand men and maybe two or three times that amount of women and children. Jesus feeds them, friend this is truly a miracle of colossal proportions.
It doesn’t matter the magnitude of our situation, He can meet the need. It doesn’t matter if there seems no way to take care of it. He can take care of it and bless others while He is doing so.
The next part of this story I want us to pay close attention to. I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to gloss over things in the Bible that I have read or heard told a lot. Let’s consider a few things here.
The Bible tells us that Jesus constrained His disciples to get in the ship and told them to go to the other side of the lake to Bethsaida. He was going to get rid of the crowd. After getting rid of the crowd, Jesus went to the mountain to pray.
The word constrained in the Bible means to compel. In our vernacular it means to require. In fact, every translation that I read this passage in says that Jesus “made” them get in the boat to go to Bethsaida. He put them in a place where they would encounter a situation that would be an opportunity for another miracle. He left them to deal with that opportunity on their own, enabling them to recognize their need for Him.
Jesus then goes to the mountain to pray. When the dark time came He saw them on the sea. This is the part that really caught my attention. The Bible says that Jesus saw them in the midst of the sea toiling in rowing, for the wind was contrary to them.
They were in a situation. It is about three o’clock in the morning. They are very tired. They have been through some great difficulties in the past weeks. They had a very strenuous day of ministering to a multitude of people. Now they have been on the water for some time working in a very adverse situation. Things were not going their way at all.
I find myself in these types of situations. I feel I have carried a heavy load for a long time. I have spent time giving of myself. Even still, I am struggling with all my might and seemingly I am going nowhere.
It is in this scene that Jesus shows up. He comes walking to them out of their storm. Walking on what they are struggling with. It was a miracle right before their eyes. He is in total control of the whole situation. A miracle in the midst of a storm, and they almost missed it!
Jesus would have walked on by if they hadn’t called Him. Someone told me one time, “God is a gentleman, and He doesn’t force Himself on anyone with out an invitation.”
How many times have I allowed Jesus to walk past in the midst of the storm? I get so busy! I get so involved! I fail to look around for Him to help me. I am toiling! I am giving it everything that I have got! I am putting my all into it! What I really need to do is look for my miracle. It is passing me by walking on my storm.
When Jesus enters the boat the disciples are amazed. They could not believe what had just happened. As we would say, “Their minds were completely blown!”
The Bible tells us the reason for their astonishment. I really think this is something that we need to pay close attention to. The reason for their astonishment was they did not consider the miracle of the loaves and fish. They had been blind to what had really happened. They failed to understand what Jesus was showing them. He was saying, “No matter where you are and no matter what the situation, I will meet the need.”
Have we considered our miracle? Do we understand that God can and will meet every need that we have in our lives? Do we forget the miracles of the past? Do we remember what God did yesterday or last month? He we considered our miracle?
We need to recognize that God allows us to be in a situation where He can show His power. Not too much further down the road he is going to allow us, or even put us, to be in a situation where we will need to remember our miracle in order to get out of the situation.
I pray that when I am in my next storm, which I know will come, to remember my miracle. I pray that I will remember that God has allowed me to be there because he has confidence in me, confidence that I will go to the other side. The last verses of the story tell us the disciples saw some of the greatest miracles of their lives when they reached the other shore.
Then suddenly, out of no where, troubles come pouring in! The kids are in trouble with the teacher, problems there! The teacher is in trouble with the principal, problems there! The boss isn’t happy with anything you try to do, problems there! Even if you stood on your head they wouldn’t be happy, problems there! The car no longer is your friend, problems there! Your mother in law has decided you are just as bad as she said you were before you married your spouse, problems there!
The sun has gone behind more than a cloud. It has totally disappeared and the bright sun shine is gone. In its place is a dark dismal gloomy day! Have you ever had this happen to you? Do you know what I am talking about?
Most folks started nodding their heads in agreement at the start of the second paragraph. That doesn’t mean that they are pessimist. It doesn’t mean that they are always looking at the doom and gloom. It does mean they are living life. This is the way that life is. One minute you are going along thinking life couldn’t get any better. The next you are going along and thinking life couldn’t get any worse. That is life!
A while back, I was involved in an “on-line” discussion. Now this was a Christian discussion so the blood was only flowing as high as the “horse’s stirrups,” it hadn’t gotten as high as the bridles yet. One participant said, with great emphasis, “I am screaming READ MARK 6, READ MARK 6!!”
Well instantly I am interested in what Mark chapter 6 has to say about our discussion. I reach over to my trusty mouse and take it in my delicate little hand. I click, and then I click again. I wiggle it and click again. Then I type a few strokes on the keyboard and wallah! I am reading from Mark 6 on my Bible. (I love computers!)
Now try as I might I never did figure out what Mark chapter 6 had to do with what we were talking about in the discussion. After reading it a couple of times I realized that the discusser must have made a typo. I also realized, at the same time, that God had probably allowed it to happen because He had something to say to me from Mark chapter 6.
The disciples have been ministering. Jesus had taken them with Him as He went from town to town. They had observed Him as He had ministered. Then Jesus had sent them into the surrounding area in groups of two.
Their efforts and works were blessed. Devils were cast out. They anointed the sick with oil and they recovered. They preached a message of repentance that resounded all of the way to the king’s house. Their missionary tour has been blessed.
Yet when they returned the disciples are very weary. Life hasn’t been treating them all that well. The pressure has been great. In fact, the emphasis of their report to Jesus is the death of John the Baptist.
Seemingly, just in the nick of time, Jesus steps on the scene and tells them it is time to take a vacation. In fact, let’s make it a little cruise. He tells them to get in the ship and they go to a desert place. It was just Jesus and His disciples.
Well, that was the way the travel agent told them it would be. You know, take this trip and get away from all of the pressure. Just enjoy life at a faraway place. So off they go and when they got there, they were met by the crowds. In fact, they were met by large crowds that wanted their attention.
Instead of resting and being able to refresh themselves, they must again work. Rather than a time of relaxation it became many hours of serving. Instead of having a time alone with the Master they had to share that time with a multitude of people.
Jesus begins to teach those who have come to learn from Him. The day passes and the crowd grows. The disciples realize the people need to eat. It is also at this time they realized the local McD’s isn’t going to work. In fact, there is not a place close enough for the people to find food.
It is interesting as you read this passage the disciples realize the lateness of the day and the fact they do not have any food with them is a big problem. They actually tell Jesus to send the people away so they can find food.
We need to realize that Jesus has set the scene for a miracle. He says to His disciples, “Why don’t you feed them?”
Not totally “with it” the disciples ask Jesus, “Do you want us to go get food for everyone?” They aren’t following His thought pattern at this time.
Jesus then asks “How much food do you have? Go ask the people.”
Too often we see our problem as a road block. We view it as the end of the line. We are ready to bail out, to jump off. We are seeing a train wreck about to happen. Yet at the same time God is seeing it as an opportunity for a miracle!
We see the multitude that needs to be fed. We recognize the need and are very concerned that it be met. Then we are ready to give up on the situation right then. In our opinion it can’t get any worse. Jesus sees the need and recognizes the multitude needs to be fed and in his opinion things are just perfect, it is a miracle setting.
They inquire of the people and come up with five loaves and two fish which they present to Jesus. He takes them, breaks them in pieces and feeds a multitude of people. What an incredible miracle. It is a miracle that many times we brush over because of the familiarity of the story. From nothing he feeds a multitude of people. Five thousand men and maybe two or three times that amount of women and children. Jesus feeds them, friend this is truly a miracle of colossal proportions.
It doesn’t matter the magnitude of our situation, He can meet the need. It doesn’t matter if there seems no way to take care of it. He can take care of it and bless others while He is doing so.
The next part of this story I want us to pay close attention to. I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to gloss over things in the Bible that I have read or heard told a lot. Let’s consider a few things here.
The Bible tells us that Jesus constrained His disciples to get in the ship and told them to go to the other side of the lake to Bethsaida. He was going to get rid of the crowd. After getting rid of the crowd, Jesus went to the mountain to pray.
The word constrained in the Bible means to compel. In our vernacular it means to require. In fact, every translation that I read this passage in says that Jesus “made” them get in the boat to go to Bethsaida. He put them in a place where they would encounter a situation that would be an opportunity for another miracle. He left them to deal with that opportunity on their own, enabling them to recognize their need for Him.
Jesus then goes to the mountain to pray. When the dark time came He saw them on the sea. This is the part that really caught my attention. The Bible says that Jesus saw them in the midst of the sea toiling in rowing, for the wind was contrary to them.
They were in a situation. It is about three o’clock in the morning. They are very tired. They have been through some great difficulties in the past weeks. They had a very strenuous day of ministering to a multitude of people. Now they have been on the water for some time working in a very adverse situation. Things were not going their way at all.
I find myself in these types of situations. I feel I have carried a heavy load for a long time. I have spent time giving of myself. Even still, I am struggling with all my might and seemingly I am going nowhere.
It is in this scene that Jesus shows up. He comes walking to them out of their storm. Walking on what they are struggling with. It was a miracle right before their eyes. He is in total control of the whole situation. A miracle in the midst of a storm, and they almost missed it!
Jesus would have walked on by if they hadn’t called Him. Someone told me one time, “God is a gentleman, and He doesn’t force Himself on anyone with out an invitation.”
How many times have I allowed Jesus to walk past in the midst of the storm? I get so busy! I get so involved! I fail to look around for Him to help me. I am toiling! I am giving it everything that I have got! I am putting my all into it! What I really need to do is look for my miracle. It is passing me by walking on my storm.
When Jesus enters the boat the disciples are amazed. They could not believe what had just happened. As we would say, “Their minds were completely blown!”
The Bible tells us the reason for their astonishment. I really think this is something that we need to pay close attention to. The reason for their astonishment was they did not consider the miracle of the loaves and fish. They had been blind to what had really happened. They failed to understand what Jesus was showing them. He was saying, “No matter where you are and no matter what the situation, I will meet the need.”
Have we considered our miracle? Do we understand that God can and will meet every need that we have in our lives? Do we forget the miracles of the past? Do we remember what God did yesterday or last month? He we considered our miracle?
We need to recognize that God allows us to be in a situation where He can show His power. Not too much further down the road he is going to allow us, or even put us, to be in a situation where we will need to remember our miracle in order to get out of the situation.
I pray that when I am in my next storm, which I know will come, to remember my miracle. I pray that I will remember that God has allowed me to be there because he has confidence in me, confidence that I will go to the other side. The last verses of the story tell us the disciples saw some of the greatest miracles of their lives when they reached the other shore.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Signs of the Believer in Osceola, Arkansas

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;" Mark 16:17 KJV
On March 19, 2010, in a little northeast Arkansas town called Osceola, the signs of the believers were manifest. It was a Friday night that was filled with great anticipation. For the past forty days the United Pentecostal Church of Osceola had been praying and fasting. They had been reading the Book of Acts and asking God to do a supernatural and spiritual work in their lives. They were desiring to be released into the Spirit of Apostolic Revival. Their prayer was, "God we want the Spirit of the Early Church! We want what they had!" Now, for the next few hours they were determined to worship God with all they had and let God do His part.
The Osceola City Center had been rented to accommodate the expected crowd. Several slipped into a racquetball court that had been designated as a prayer room and began to seek God for the service that night. Little did those prayer warriors know God’s attention had already been captured by their desire.
The service started with a great Spirit of Praise and from the start people were caught up in the Spirit of Worship. A gentleman, seated toward the front, stepped out from his seat and began to walk back and forth praising God. It was just a few moments later that the Worship leader stopped everything!
Pastor Tim Doran, of Osceola, was leading the Praise and Worship. He came over to Anthony Brown, the worshiper, and said, "You have cancer, don’t you?" Anthony said, "Yes sir I do."
Pastor Tim said, "The Doctors said it is bad and don’t give you any hope, is that right?" Anthony said, "Yes sir, that is true!"
Pastor Tim said, "When we were in the prayer room, God saw how you worshiped Him in spite of your illness and pain. He told me to tell you that He is going to heal you of cancer!" As he said this Pastor Tim reached out to lay hands on the sick man and jerked his hand back and said, "I don’t even have to touch you! God has already healed you. In Jesus Name be made whole!"
During the twelve and some half weeks that have passed since that time, Anthony Brown has reported that he is getting stronger each and every day. On Sunday, June 6, 2010 he came to Pastor Tim Doran, who is now Anthony’s pastor, and told him that he needed prayer for his feet. One of the symptoms of the cancer was that his feet would itch so bad that he would actually scratch the skin off trying to get relief. Pastor Tim prayed for him and the itching is completely gone!
On Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Anthony Brown went to see his doctor for his scheduled cancer checkup. After the test and examinations were complete his doctor came in and sat down with Anthony and said, "I don’t understand how a man with pancreatic cancer taking four insulin shots per day has a blood sugar reading of 80? I just don’t understand. In fact I am going to go get another doctor to look at this."
He left and returned with another doctor who went over the reports and looked at Anthony and said, "I don’t understand how a man with pancreatic cancer who takes four insulin shots a day can have a blood sugar reading of 80? I just don’t understand!"
The first doctor pulled out his cell phone. He showed Anthony and the other doctor a picture that he had taken of Anthony earlier. There were sores from the cancer all over Anthony’s body. His figure looked sickly and gaunt. The doctor looked at the healthy looking energetic figure before him and said, "This is not the same man, I just don’t understand!"
Anthony told the amazed doctors, "I understand exactly what is going on. Jesus Christ has worked a miracle of healing in my body. He has healed me of cancer!"
Both doctors shook their heads in amazement and said, "It is a miracle, we can’t argue with that!"
These signs shall follow the believer. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover! However, sometimes God gets so excited about healing a worshiping believer that He doesn’t even wait for the laying on of hands!
On March 19, 2010, in a little northeast Arkansas town called Osceola, the signs of the believers were manifest. It was a Friday night that was filled with great anticipation. For the past forty days the United Pentecostal Church of Osceola had been praying and fasting. They had been reading the Book of Acts and asking God to do a supernatural and spiritual work in their lives. They were desiring to be released into the Spirit of Apostolic Revival. Their prayer was, "God we want the Spirit of the Early Church! We want what they had!" Now, for the next few hours they were determined to worship God with all they had and let God do His part.
The Osceola City Center had been rented to accommodate the expected crowd. Several slipped into a racquetball court that had been designated as a prayer room and began to seek God for the service that night. Little did those prayer warriors know God’s attention had already been captured by their desire.
The service started with a great Spirit of Praise and from the start people were caught up in the Spirit of Worship. A gentleman, seated toward the front, stepped out from his seat and began to walk back and forth praising God. It was just a few moments later that the Worship leader stopped everything!
Pastor Tim Doran, of Osceola, was leading the Praise and Worship. He came over to Anthony Brown, the worshiper, and said, "You have cancer, don’t you?" Anthony said, "Yes sir I do."
Pastor Tim said, "The Doctors said it is bad and don’t give you any hope, is that right?" Anthony said, "Yes sir, that is true!"
Pastor Tim said, "When we were in the prayer room, God saw how you worshiped Him in spite of your illness and pain. He told me to tell you that He is going to heal you of cancer!" As he said this Pastor Tim reached out to lay hands on the sick man and jerked his hand back and said, "I don’t even have to touch you! God has already healed you. In Jesus Name be made whole!"
During the twelve and some half weeks that have passed since that time, Anthony Brown has reported that he is getting stronger each and every day. On Sunday, June 6, 2010 he came to Pastor Tim Doran, who is now Anthony’s pastor, and told him that he needed prayer for his feet. One of the symptoms of the cancer was that his feet would itch so bad that he would actually scratch the skin off trying to get relief. Pastor Tim prayed for him and the itching is completely gone!
On Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Anthony Brown went to see his doctor for his scheduled cancer checkup. After the test and examinations were complete his doctor came in and sat down with Anthony and said, "I don’t understand how a man with pancreatic cancer taking four insulin shots per day has a blood sugar reading of 80? I just don’t understand. In fact I am going to go get another doctor to look at this."
He left and returned with another doctor who went over the reports and looked at Anthony and said, "I don’t understand how a man with pancreatic cancer who takes four insulin shots a day can have a blood sugar reading of 80? I just don’t understand!"
The first doctor pulled out his cell phone. He showed Anthony and the other doctor a picture that he had taken of Anthony earlier. There were sores from the cancer all over Anthony’s body. His figure looked sickly and gaunt. The doctor looked at the healthy looking energetic figure before him and said, "This is not the same man, I just don’t understand!"
Anthony told the amazed doctors, "I understand exactly what is going on. Jesus Christ has worked a miracle of healing in my body. He has healed me of cancer!"
Both doctors shook their heads in amazement and said, "It is a miracle, we can’t argue with that!"
These signs shall follow the believer. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover! However, sometimes God gets so excited about healing a worshiping believer that He doesn’t even wait for the laying on of hands!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
40 Days to Focused Life Summit Benton, AR Summary
40 Days to Focused Life Summit
Benton, AR
April 18 - May 21-23, 2010
Benton, AR
April 18 - May 21-23, 2010
Seeking to be Released into the Spirit of Apostolic Revival!
On April 18th Apostolic Tabernacle and TEAM Ministry launched 40 Days to Focused Life Summit. Actually it was 33 days because the launch had to be put off a week because of death in the Church family.
God met in a special way that evening as the Church made commitments to pray a committed number of minutes a day. They focused on praying for a spirit of unity in the Church, for God to do a supernatural and spiritual work in their lives, to renew their first love for the Word of God and for lost souls. They committed to fast a committed number of days each week. This included fasting food and also the media (radio, video, internet, tv, etc.) They committed to reading the Book of Acts through during this time and asking God to us the vision of the Early Church. They committed to a financial commitment to help with extra expenses.
Pastor Jay Emerson and Youth Pastor Jared Doran began teaching prepared lessons to the Adults and Youth. These lessons covered Healing for the Church, Spiritual Warfare, Created for Wholeness and The Apostolic Church. These lessons were designed to help bring into Focus what God desires for our lives and what He has put at our disposal to accomplish it.
On May 2, Don Doran came and taught the lesson Created for Wholeness. God created us in His image, complete. Sin has broken and destroyed our lives. God wants to bring us back to that completeness He designed for us. The power of God fell and many lives were touched that night as God began to heal broken hearts.
On May 16, Don Doran again came and preached Forgiveness is Not an Option! It is impossible to have a relationship with Jesus Christ without forgiving others. It is impossible to feel good about ourselves and not carry condemnation and shame if we have an unforgiving spirit. Again, God began to deal with our hearts as we asked Him to reveal the unforgiveness in our lives.
On May 21, Tim Doran, pastor of Osceola UPC, preached a powerful message on being full of the
Spirit. God began to fill lives and miracles and wonders began to take place. In that service one received the baptism of the Holy Ghost after seeking it for ten years. Another was healed of kidney failure. There is no way to tell how many hearts and lives were healed.
May 22, Jared Doran, Youth Pastor of Apostolic Tabernacle of Benton, preached on Jesus Christ being our refreshing. We will go through desert places but can be refreshed by Jesus Christ. Again, many were on their faces before God seeking that refreshment.
May 23 AM, Don Doran, evangelist from Conway, Arkansas preached on God is on a Leash! The

May 23 PM, God preached! Don Doran was scheduled to preach but, during a song about how much God loves me and you, God poured out His Spirit in a powerful way. People were slain in the Spirit! Others just began to weep in the sweet presence of the Holy Ghost. After a while a Brother came to the front and began to tell of a vision that God had just given him which reassured this Brother that God really did love him. He said he had been going through a desert and unable to cry for a couple of years. He had wondered at times where God was. God had just revealed He was there all the time, loving him and he wept! A Sister got up next and said God had revealed his love to her too. Taking her to times when He had been there caring and loving! Oh what a time we had that night.
I can talk about this but thought you might be better blessed with testimonies of some who were there and what they felt.
I feel like I have been in a cracked, dry desert place...flooded by cool refreshing rain! God is SO good! It blessed me immensely to be a part of these services. I regret having to work on Friday evening. Witnessing God touch my three guys was amazing. -VK
God healed me in many ways mainly my heart. Throughout the weeks prior I had been dealing with feelings of depression, inadequacy and some others mainly because of my lack of employment. I had applied for a job that I had thought was going to work out to be something really good for me. Upon finding out that they had filled the job I began to have some issues with self degradation.On the Thursday before summit Jared asked if I had finished reading acts and, of course, I had not. He then preceded with the words "read it and be encouraged. Your faith is low right now and u need strength" or at least it was something along those lines. For the next 18-24 hrs I began where I had stopped (Acts8) and read it through, almost unable to put it down. By Friday night I was focused again on God, however my faith was still very, very low. The pivotal moment didn't come in praise and worship nor did it even come in what we would consider the technical "alter call" it came when Bro. Tim went around praying healing into peoples hearts and lives. He came to me looked me square in the eye and said " do you have a job yet?" and I said no. At that moment he placed his hand on my head and prayed encouragement, healing, and faith into my life when he spoke the words "let it happen this week" I believed him, not because of the faith I had in the man but because I had never said a word to him about the issues with which I was dealing thus his knowledge of said issues had to have been divinely given him. I basically said all of that to say this. I had revelation this weekend of Gods love for me. What did it mean to me? Everything. Had I not gotten what I got, had I not felt what I did, I'm convinced my life would have spun out of control. I just had to learn to UNLEASH God in my life and let Him do what He does best...everything. - DK
This past week I applied for the Math and Science School in Hot Springs. I wasn't sure whether or not it was God's will for me to go. Friday I asked God to help me make the decision if I'm accepted and when Bro. Tim Doran prayed for me he told me "To go after my dreams, God will make a way" it was so amazing how God used him to speak to me.This is just one way. My heart was also healed and I let go of many things.Thank You! The Summit was incredible. - CS.
The Summit changed my life in a way that I have been hoping and praying for. Due to my busy schedule, I usually do not attend many extra services. On Wednesday night before that Friday Bro. Jared was sharing what Bro. Don and he had been discussing on the patio. He said that God was going to heal the broken hearted and heal the sick. I have had such a longing to see some old time miracles I told myself I am not going to miss this! I am so glad I pushed my old self aside and went to church! Not only did my husband receive the Holy Ghost after ten years of praying but, I have been praying for a change in our church for a long time. I have been praying that God restore that first love in me. I have also been praying that the church get a burden and love for lost souls. - KB.
I feel like God renewed . . . refreshed , , , restored . . . re-energized . . . re-vitalized . . . reestablished me. I appreciated all God did. - DE.
Wow, what can I say? It just shows what can happen when you FOCUS on a move of God! God healed broken hearts and did some physical healing at this Summit! My mom was healed of a kidney disease that has had her down physically and spiritually. She had immediate results! Bro Tim Doran said he noticed immediate color in her cheeks. She had so much energy right away, it was amazing! She said there was evidence by the next day that she felt her kidneys were healed! God is so Awesome, He knows exactly what we need when we need it!It really showed in the ministry of Bro Tim, Bro Jared, and Bro Don Doran that we had FOCUSED and they had FOCUSED on a move of God! I'm so excited to see what God is going to do for Apostolic Tabernacle of Benton, AR!-MD.
Bro. Doran on Friday night God really did some Amazing things in my life but the one thing that really blew my mind was I got an answer for something I have been praying about for many years. I had prayed and prayed and asked God to give me an answer and I started to think it would never come but God gave it to me on Friday night. I will never forget that service it really has change my life forever. I'm so excited about what God has done and is doing! God bless, AD.
God blesses when we Focus our lives on Him desiring a to be released into the Spirit of Apostolic Revival! Thank you for all your prayers and intercession. There were many from TEAM Ministry Group on Face Book who contacted us to say the were praying and fasting with us for these services. Many texts came in saying they were praying while we were ministering. You will never know the strength and boldness that allows to minister in the Holy Ghost. God Bless and TEAM!
focused life,
Thursday, May 27, 2010
In Memory of Rose Daniel

I am reminded of a statement made by the Apostle Paul, "Seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us run with patience the race before us." That is not a direct quote but close enough. This past week another "Witness" has finished her race and is standing on the sidelines cheering us on.
I will never forget meeting Rose Daniel for the first time forty years ago this next December. I had heard so much about her and her family. They were taking a Home Bible Study and after each lesson Mike and Margie Power would come to our house and update us on what had taken place. Then one Sunday morning, in December 1970, Rose and her family came to Church. We were so excited to have a new family visiting the Church. Then I found out that I knew their son, David, having gone to school with him for three school years. David and I soon became close friends.
Just a few weeks later Rose and Slim, along with others from the Bible Study group, were water baptized in Jesus Name. A few months later, in March, she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Rose began a different life than she had lived before.
Early in her relationship with Jesus Christ Rose developed a love for the Word of God. She loved good preaching. She loved good Bible teaching. As time passed, this love grew. I remember a Fellowship meeting not long after Rose had received the Holy Ghost. She had been studying her Bible trying to understand the Oneness of God. During this Fellowship meeting in Arcata, Brother John McDonald was preaching and began to talk of the Oneness of God. I was sitting behind Rose and suddenly, in a loud voice, she said, "I see it! I see it!" She had received a wonderful revelation of who Jesus Christ really is.
As a young person I spent a lot of time in Rose’s house. David and I were good friends so I was in and out frequently. I soon found out that Rose was a wonderful cook and so I tried to take advantage of that discovery. She was the only person who could bake a Blackberry Cobbler that I liked, and oh could she bake one!
I was a young man, just thirty-three when the United Pentecostal Church of Rio Dell asked me to be their pastor. I had grown up in this Church. Like I said, I hung out with David so his family knew me. I had some deep reservations about becoming Pastor to people who knew me "when" and could remember "what." However, I must say that not one time did I ever get the feeling that Rose Daniel did not look to me as her Pastor with honor and respect. I am sure there must have been occasions when she wondered if that "young fella" knows what he is doing, but she never voiced any doubts she might have had.
I was going through some pictures this week trying to find a good picture of Rose. I have stacks of them and it took several hours. Mainly because I was having to stop and wipe away tears and sometimes just cry. The memories were so precious. I was looking for some good candid shots of her. To my amazement I only found three. What I did find, however, spoke volumes of this precious woman. They were pictures of her worshiping her God. Her hands were raised! Tears were streaming down her face as she prayed as only Sister Rose could pray! Pictures of her with her hand on the shoulder of a fellow saint as she prayed with them. Encouraging them to keep praying until they received what they were needing from God.
Oh, I will never forget, in fact I can hear it right now in my mind, how she could pray and touch God. She had a voice that would ring with authority and familiarity as she would begin to pray in the Spirit, interceding for others before the throne of God. She wasn’t a stranger to God, you could tell they were on first name basis. In fact the song I remember her singing so often said it for her, "He’s my Lord and my God! He’s not just a stranger to me . . ."
There were several times when I would call the Daniel family, while I was their Pastor, to ask them to pray about a need. I recall one time feeling fearful and bewildered. I knew I had to have someone help me touch God. I called Sister Rose and just said that I needed her to pray about a situation with me, would she pray? There were no questions asked, just the assurance she was headed for her altar. What a peace that came over my soul knowing she was praying.
Melinda and I were talking one night and she reminded me that Sister Rose had been her Sunday School teacher for several years. I asked her, already knowing the answer, if she was a good teacher. Melinda, with teary eyes, told me of the love and dedication Sister Rose had for her class. She was teaching Junior Girls about the love of Jesus Christ and the importance of making Him first in their lives.
In many ways Rose was full of surprises. She was a private person. Yet she opened her home, for several years, to the Adult Sunday School Class to meet there each week. She took in a young man, Doug Giest, when he was in need of a place to live and she made him part of her family. She was giving to others, adopting some, mothering others. Rose was a precious lady. She was full of fun, a person who loved to laugh. She was a great friend with deep loyalty.
I, again, think of what must be going on in heaven. Another "Warrior" has gone home. There is a "song of sweetest praise drifting back from heavens shore" telling us that it is well worth the fight. The voice of Rose Daniel is assuring us that it is well worth every mile and every trial. Yes, there is a "Great Cloud of Witnesses" saying come on home! Sister Rose Daniel, we love you and will see you soon.
I will never forget meeting Rose Daniel for the first time forty years ago this next December. I had heard so much about her and her family. They were taking a Home Bible Study and after each lesson Mike and Margie Power would come to our house and update us on what had taken place. Then one Sunday morning, in December 1970, Rose and her family came to Church. We were so excited to have a new family visiting the Church. Then I found out that I knew their son, David, having gone to school with him for three school years. David and I soon became close friends.
Just a few weeks later Rose and Slim, along with others from the Bible Study group, were water baptized in Jesus Name. A few months later, in March, she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Rose began a different life than she had lived before.
Early in her relationship with Jesus Christ Rose developed a love for the Word of God. She loved good preaching. She loved good Bible teaching. As time passed, this love grew. I remember a Fellowship meeting not long after Rose had received the Holy Ghost. She had been studying her Bible trying to understand the Oneness of God. During this Fellowship meeting in Arcata, Brother John McDonald was preaching and began to talk of the Oneness of God. I was sitting behind Rose and suddenly, in a loud voice, she said, "I see it! I see it!" She had received a wonderful revelation of who Jesus Christ really is.
As a young person I spent a lot of time in Rose’s house. David and I were good friends so I was in and out frequently. I soon found out that Rose was a wonderful cook and so I tried to take advantage of that discovery. She was the only person who could bake a Blackberry Cobbler that I liked, and oh could she bake one!
I was a young man, just thirty-three when the United Pentecostal Church of Rio Dell asked me to be their pastor. I had grown up in this Church. Like I said, I hung out with David so his family knew me. I had some deep reservations about becoming Pastor to people who knew me "when" and could remember "what." However, I must say that not one time did I ever get the feeling that Rose Daniel did not look to me as her Pastor with honor and respect. I am sure there must have been occasions when she wondered if that "young fella" knows what he is doing, but she never voiced any doubts she might have had.
I was going through some pictures this week trying to find a good picture of Rose. I have stacks of them and it took several hours. Mainly because I was having to stop and wipe away tears and sometimes just cry. The memories were so precious. I was looking for some good candid shots of her. To my amazement I only found three. What I did find, however, spoke volumes of this precious woman. They were pictures of her worshiping her God. Her hands were raised! Tears were streaming down her face as she prayed as only Sister Rose could pray! Pictures of her with her hand on the shoulder of a fellow saint as she prayed with them. Encouraging them to keep praying until they received what they were needing from God.
Oh, I will never forget, in fact I can hear it right now in my mind, how she could pray and touch God. She had a voice that would ring with authority and familiarity as she would begin to pray in the Spirit, interceding for others before the throne of God. She wasn’t a stranger to God, you could tell they were on first name basis. In fact the song I remember her singing so often said it for her, "He’s my Lord and my God! He’s not just a stranger to me . . ."
There were several times when I would call the Daniel family, while I was their Pastor, to ask them to pray about a need. I recall one time feeling fearful and bewildered. I knew I had to have someone help me touch God. I called Sister Rose and just said that I needed her to pray about a situation with me, would she pray? There were no questions asked, just the assurance she was headed for her altar. What a peace that came over my soul knowing she was praying.
Melinda and I were talking one night and she reminded me that Sister Rose had been her Sunday School teacher for several years. I asked her, already knowing the answer, if she was a good teacher. Melinda, with teary eyes, told me of the love and dedication Sister Rose had for her class. She was teaching Junior Girls about the love of Jesus Christ and the importance of making Him first in their lives.
In many ways Rose was full of surprises. She was a private person. Yet she opened her home, for several years, to the Adult Sunday School Class to meet there each week. She took in a young man, Doug Giest, when he was in need of a place to live and she made him part of her family. She was giving to others, adopting some, mothering others. Rose was a precious lady. She was full of fun, a person who loved to laugh. She was a great friend with deep loyalty.
I, again, think of what must be going on in heaven. Another "Warrior" has gone home. There is a "song of sweetest praise drifting back from heavens shore" telling us that it is well worth the fight. The voice of Rose Daniel is assuring us that it is well worth every mile and every trial. Yes, there is a "Great Cloud of Witnesses" saying come on home! Sister Rose Daniel, we love you and will see you soon.
Friday, May 21, 2010
It's All In How We View The Storm
We might all see the same thing but when we tell what we have seen there will be very few times that two stories are the same. We each view an incident from a different perspective. So is it with the storms of life! We each have a different perspective on each storm. It is all in how we view them.
I came across a story I read somewhere and thought I would share it. It is the story of a first grade girl who had been begging her mother to let her walk to school. Since the very first day she had pleaded with her mother to let her walk to school and home. Her mother was afraid she wasn’t old enough but finally she relented.
The little Lady was up early the next morning and was quick to get ready. The mother was having second thoughts about allowing her daughter to experience this new step of independence. Along with these doubts came the weather report that there was a good chance of rain that day. However, our little Lady begged and pleaded and Mother finally relented, on the condition the little Lady take the umbrella and use it in case of rain.
Just at the time that the little Lady was heading home, rain came and along with the rain came thunder and lightning. Rain was one thing, but the Mother had to go and pick up the little Lady because she was not only worried about the danger from the lightning, but was worried the noise of the thunder would frighten her daughter.
When she found our little Lady, walking down the street, she noticed that each time there was a flash of lightning the little Lady would move the umbrella aside and look up in the sky. Her mother asked her, as she got into the car, "Why were you moving the umbrella aside?" The little Lady looked at her mother with a big smile and said, "Mother, God is taking my picture! Every time there is a flash I move the umbrella aside and look up and smile at Him."
How do we view the storms of life? Do we cower in fear? Do we scream in frustration? Do we recognize God is watching us and has the best planned for us? Paul said in Romans 8:35-39 there would be a lot of "junk" come our way but none of it can separate us from the love of God. It is all in how we few the storm.
It’s just a thought! God bless . . .
I came across a story I read somewhere and thought I would share it. It is the story of a first grade girl who had been begging her mother to let her walk to school. Since the very first day she had pleaded with her mother to let her walk to school and home. Her mother was afraid she wasn’t old enough but finally she relented.
The little Lady was up early the next morning and was quick to get ready. The mother was having second thoughts about allowing her daughter to experience this new step of independence. Along with these doubts came the weather report that there was a good chance of rain that day. However, our little Lady begged and pleaded and Mother finally relented, on the condition the little Lady take the umbrella and use it in case of rain.
Just at the time that the little Lady was heading home, rain came and along with the rain came thunder and lightning. Rain was one thing, but the Mother had to go and pick up the little Lady because she was not only worried about the danger from the lightning, but was worried the noise of the thunder would frighten her daughter.
When she found our little Lady, walking down the street, she noticed that each time there was a flash of lightning the little Lady would move the umbrella aside and look up in the sky. Her mother asked her, as she got into the car, "Why were you moving the umbrella aside?" The little Lady looked at her mother with a big smile and said, "Mother, God is taking my picture! Every time there is a flash I move the umbrella aside and look up and smile at Him."
How do we view the storms of life? Do we cower in fear? Do we scream in frustration? Do we recognize God is watching us and has the best planned for us? Paul said in Romans 8:35-39 there would be a lot of "junk" come our way but none of it can separate us from the love of God. It is all in how we few the storm.
It’s just a thought! God bless . . .
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Struggle of the Cocoon
I read a story a while back that really struck a chord in my spirit. I came across it again today and felt to share it with you. Hopefully it might put some things into proper perspective in your life.
A man came across a butterfly cocoon. Knowing what is inside his interest is captured and he sits watching it for a while. As luck would have it while he is watching the cocoon gets an opening and right in front of his eyes the butterfly begins the struggle of leaving the cocoon.
Watching for several hours, the man observes as the butterfly struggles to get out. Then it seems to have stopped making any progress at all. It seemed that the butterfly would be unable to go any further. The man takes scissors and snips off the remaining bit of cocoon. The butterfly is then able to emerge with ease. However, the butterfly is unable to fly. Its body is swollen and it has small shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch, expecting at any time the butterfly to stretch his wings and fly. Surely at any moment the wings would enlarge themselves and support the body which would contract with time. Neither happened, in fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.
What the man did not know was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required of the butterfly to get through the opening were God’s way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we need to be. We would never fly.
Paul said three times he asked the Lord to take away his problem. Each time the reply from God was, "My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness." Paul went on to say, "Now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me . . . for when I am weak, then am I strong." (2Corinthians 12:8-10)
Maybe this poem will help bring it into a better focus . . .
I asked for Strength, and God gave me
Difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for Wisdom, and God gave me
Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity, and God gave me
Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage, and God gave me
Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love, and God gave me
Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favors, and God gave me
I received nothing I wanted, but I
Received everything I needed!
Author Unknown
It is the problems, the difficulties that will better prepare us for the victories of life. When the problem and test come our way, accept it is a divine test which has been sent by God. Then rely on Him to provide the power for the struggle and watch as He takes you to new heights!
It’s just a thought! God Bless . . .
A man came across a butterfly cocoon. Knowing what is inside his interest is captured and he sits watching it for a while. As luck would have it while he is watching the cocoon gets an opening and right in front of his eyes the butterfly begins the struggle of leaving the cocoon.
Watching for several hours, the man observes as the butterfly struggles to get out. Then it seems to have stopped making any progress at all. It seemed that the butterfly would be unable to go any further. The man takes scissors and snips off the remaining bit of cocoon. The butterfly is then able to emerge with ease. However, the butterfly is unable to fly. Its body is swollen and it has small shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch, expecting at any time the butterfly to stretch his wings and fly. Surely at any moment the wings would enlarge themselves and support the body which would contract with time. Neither happened, in fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.
What the man did not know was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required of the butterfly to get through the opening were God’s way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we need to be. We would never fly.
Paul said three times he asked the Lord to take away his problem. Each time the reply from God was, "My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness." Paul went on to say, "Now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me . . . for when I am weak, then am I strong." (2Corinthians 12:8-10)
Maybe this poem will help bring it into a better focus . . .
I asked for Strength, and God gave me
Difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for Wisdom, and God gave me
Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity, and God gave me
Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage, and God gave me
Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love, and God gave me
Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favors, and God gave me
I received nothing I wanted, but I
Received everything I needed!
Author Unknown
It is the problems, the difficulties that will better prepare us for the victories of life. When the problem and test come our way, accept it is a divine test which has been sent by God. Then rely on Him to provide the power for the struggle and watch as He takes you to new heights!
It’s just a thought! God Bless . . .
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Five Things in Hell that Should be in the Church!
For the past forty years I have tried to preach "Hell" out of the Church. Realizing that Hell is the payment for sin and that it is a place God prepared for Satan and his followers, we should be abhorred at the thought of something from Hell being in the Church. However, today is different! I want to talk to you about some things in Hell that NEED to be in the Church.
We read a story, in Luke sixteen, of a man who went to Hell. This is not my favorite story in the Bible. In fact, I must admit it is one I do not like nor do I read it very often. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. Usually if I preach from it I am preaching to sinners who are in danger of missing out with God. Yet there is a vital lesson for the Church to learn from in this story. There is a message of what the Church needs that is seen in Hell.
We find a rich man and a beggar. The beggar laid at the gate of the rich man. The rich man fared well. He had plenty to eat, drink, a nice house and fine clothes. The beggar would have liked to have just had some of the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Instead he only had dogs licking his sores.
Our next scene shows us the beggar being taken away to be with Abraham in the place for the righteous. The rich man is also taken away but finds himself in Hell suffering great torment.
It is at this point that we are taken to the threshold of Hell and allowed to witness one of the most horrific and yet one of the most enlightening conversation that could ever take place. The rich man sees Lazarus, the beggar, with Abraham and asks that he might come and bring him comfort. This small wish is denied. He then asks that Lazarus might return to life and testify to the brethren the rich man had left behind, to warn them away from this place of torment. Again, the request is denied.
In Hell there are five things that should be in the Church. Five things we can see here that we need to pray should become part of our lives. Five things we need to pray out of Hell and into the Church.
In this day, we, the Church, need to have a Vision of Heaven. If we could only get a vision of heaven of the hope that is really there, we would have to share it with others. It is not just about the streets of gold, but it is the place where Jesus is. It is a place where there’s eternal hope and peace. We need to have a Vision of Heaven.
We, the Church, need to have a "Burden for the Lost." If we really have His Spirit, we should embrace His purpose. He came to seek and to save the lost. The rich man had a tremendous burden for those he knew were lost.
We, the Church, need to have a "Great Love for Our Brother." Do we realize that the scripture tells us that when we comfort a Brother we are saving a soul from Hell? (Jude 22-23; 1John 4:20-21) We can’t even say we love God, who we cannot see, if we don’t love our Brother whom we can see.
The Church needs to embrace the realization that "No Cost Is Too Great!" There was nothing that seemed ridiculous to the rich man. He didn’t care whom he inconvenienced or bothered. There were people lost and no cost was too great to reach them with salvation!
The final thing the Church needs that are in Hell is a "Sense of Urgency!" We need to realize His coming is soon, feel the urgency of the hour! Each obituary we read is a testimony that one more person has lost the opportunity to experience salvation for themselves. The events of our world let us know that His coming is getting closer with each tick of the clock. We can no longer sit back and just be glad we are "saved!" We must realize that our being saved is tied to our love for others.
Yes, Hell does have five things that the Church really needs in the 21st Century. We need a "Vision of Heaven," "A Burden for the Lost," "A Love for our Brother," "A Willingness to Pay the Cost,’ and "A Sense of Urgency!" Give it a try . . .
It’s just a thought! God Bless . . .
We read a story, in Luke sixteen, of a man who went to Hell. This is not my favorite story in the Bible. In fact, I must admit it is one I do not like nor do I read it very often. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. Usually if I preach from it I am preaching to sinners who are in danger of missing out with God. Yet there is a vital lesson for the Church to learn from in this story. There is a message of what the Church needs that is seen in Hell.
We find a rich man and a beggar. The beggar laid at the gate of the rich man. The rich man fared well. He had plenty to eat, drink, a nice house and fine clothes. The beggar would have liked to have just had some of the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Instead he only had dogs licking his sores.
Our next scene shows us the beggar being taken away to be with Abraham in the place for the righteous. The rich man is also taken away but finds himself in Hell suffering great torment.
It is at this point that we are taken to the threshold of Hell and allowed to witness one of the most horrific and yet one of the most enlightening conversation that could ever take place. The rich man sees Lazarus, the beggar, with Abraham and asks that he might come and bring him comfort. This small wish is denied. He then asks that Lazarus might return to life and testify to the brethren the rich man had left behind, to warn them away from this place of torment. Again, the request is denied.
In Hell there are five things that should be in the Church. Five things we can see here that we need to pray should become part of our lives. Five things we need to pray out of Hell and into the Church.
In this day, we, the Church, need to have a Vision of Heaven. If we could only get a vision of heaven of the hope that is really there, we would have to share it with others. It is not just about the streets of gold, but it is the place where Jesus is. It is a place where there’s eternal hope and peace. We need to have a Vision of Heaven.
We, the Church, need to have a "Burden for the Lost." If we really have His Spirit, we should embrace His purpose. He came to seek and to save the lost. The rich man had a tremendous burden for those he knew were lost.
We, the Church, need to have a "Great Love for Our Brother." Do we realize that the scripture tells us that when we comfort a Brother we are saving a soul from Hell? (Jude 22-23; 1John 4:20-21) We can’t even say we love God, who we cannot see, if we don’t love our Brother whom we can see.
The Church needs to embrace the realization that "No Cost Is Too Great!" There was nothing that seemed ridiculous to the rich man. He didn’t care whom he inconvenienced or bothered. There were people lost and no cost was too great to reach them with salvation!
The final thing the Church needs that are in Hell is a "Sense of Urgency!" We need to realize His coming is soon, feel the urgency of the hour! Each obituary we read is a testimony that one more person has lost the opportunity to experience salvation for themselves. The events of our world let us know that His coming is getting closer with each tick of the clock. We can no longer sit back and just be glad we are "saved!" We must realize that our being saved is tied to our love for others.
Yes, Hell does have five things that the Church really needs in the 21st Century. We need a "Vision of Heaven," "A Burden for the Lost," "A Love for our Brother," "A Willingness to Pay the Cost,’ and "A Sense of Urgency!" Give it a try . . .
It’s just a thought! God Bless . . .
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Won't Need E-flat
Auturo Tscanini, the great conductor, was sitting at his podium prior to a concert one evening. As the orchestra warmed up just minutes before the performance, a bassoon player approached him in a fearful panic. "Maestro, I am very sorry, but my instrument has suffered an accident, and the E-flat will not sound. I am afraid I will not be able to play tonight."
Upon hearing the news, Toscanini went silent and closed his eyes. The bassoon player cowered in fear of his fury. The great conductor put his hands to his head and continued in silence, adding to the poor bassoon players agony.
At last Toscanini looked up and said quietly, "Don’t worry, E-flat does not appear in your music tonight." Toscanini had played through the entire concert in his mind, reviewing every note the bassoon player would have to play. With his intimate knowledge of the music, the conductor was able to reassure the bassoon player that everything would be alright.
"I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jer. 29:11
God already knows what notes you will need to hit in the concert of life. He is trying to equip you so that you can play and do well! Several translations us the word "Plans" for the word "thoughts." God has it planned, it is His desire that we experience peace. We just have to trust Him.
It’s just a thought! God Blesslll
Upon hearing the news, Toscanini went silent and closed his eyes. The bassoon player cowered in fear of his fury. The great conductor put his hands to his head and continued in silence, adding to the poor bassoon players agony.
At last Toscanini looked up and said quietly, "Don’t worry, E-flat does not appear in your music tonight." Toscanini had played through the entire concert in his mind, reviewing every note the bassoon player would have to play. With his intimate knowledge of the music, the conductor was able to reassure the bassoon player that everything would be alright.
"I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jer. 29:11
God already knows what notes you will need to hit in the concert of life. He is trying to equip you so that you can play and do well! Several translations us the word "Plans" for the word "thoughts." God has it planned, it is His desire that we experience peace. We just have to trust Him.
It’s just a thought! God Blesslll
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Acceptable Worship
There are two subjects in the Bible that I love to study. The first is the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. The second is worship. Both are very important and vital in our relationship with God.
As a teen, our Sunday School class spent a year studying the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Our Sunday School teacher, Mike Power, who later had the privilege of being my father-in-law (maybe that should be the other way around) used a unique method in teaching us about the Tabernacle. We would come to class and for one hour we would study the Tabernacle. We dissected it and looked at each part and its significance. There was no item, piece of material or article of clothing for the priest that was not studied. The second hour of our class was spent building a model replica of the Tabernacle. Again, time was spent on each and every item making sure it was done as close as possible to the original. We even tried to make shew bread just to know what it tasted like.
Later, as a Pastor, I again became fascinated with the Tabernacle. I was given a set of lessons by one of my mentors, Elder Kenneth Baglin, and taught for eighteen weeks on the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. I was able to find some slides, for the overhead projector, that were of a model of the Tabernacle.
Now, understand that this doesn’t make me an expert on the Tabernacle by any stretch. It just means that I really enjoy studying about it. One of the reasons for this is that there are so many types and shadows and parallels found in the Tabernacle. It was laid in the shape of a cross. It speaks of our approach to God. It speaks of the plan of salvation. It speaks of worship and our relationship with God. In fact Paul, in Hebrews, goes back to the Tabernacle and uses the rituals to explain the role of Jesus Christ in our being able to obtain mercy.
Worship, of course is something that should be important to all of us. It is paramount in our relationship to Jesus Christ. In fact, I will go so far as to say, without worship there is no relationship.
There is a difference between praise and worship. Praise is simply telling how good and how great God is. It is bragging on God for what He has done. It is telling what God can do. It is thanking Him for His blessings. Praise is vital and important. We are instructed to approach God with praise and thanksgiving. We do this because He is deserving and we want to let Him know that we hold Him in the highest regards.
Worship is the result of praise. Worship happens as we enter into His presence and begin to realize we are in the presence of the Most High. Worship is recognizing who He is. He is God. He is the Almighty. He is the Creator of all. He is wonderful. It isn’t about what He has done, but who He is. As the song says, ". . . it is not about what He did, it is all about who He was. If He never worked a single miracle, Jesus would have still been God."
Our worship is so important to God. He wants us to worship Him and yet at the same time He is very particular how we worship Him. Because of who He is and because of His Holiness just any type or form of worship isn’t acceptable to Him. Let me show you what I mean.
When you approach the Tabernacle of Moses you see a tent with an outer court which has walls which were made from fabric stretched between post made of wood overlaid with gold. As you enter into the outer court, the first thing you will see is a large altar that was used to offer the sacrifices of the people. Just beyond the altar was a large basin which was called the "Brazen Laver." This was used by the priest to cleanse himself before they were allowed to enter into the Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle of Moses was a large tent. It had walls that were again made of wood and overlaid with gold. These walls were not seen from the outside because of several layers of fabric that covered them. When you passed the curtain and entered into the Tabernacle you saw three articles of furniture. There was the Table of Shew Bread, the Seven Gold Candlesticks and the Altar of Incense. This is where the priest ministered on a daily basis. It was called the Holy Place.
Dividing the Tabernacle was a large curtain or veil. Behind this veil was another room where only the High Priest was allowed to enter and they could enter only one time each year. In this room, called the Holy of Holies, was the Ark of the Covenant and atop the Ark set the Mercy seat. It was here that the High Priest would apply the blood from the sacrifice once a year.
When the priest entered the Holy Place he had to be careful to first cleanse himself. A sacrifice had to be made. Cleansing had to take place at the Laver. It wasn’t good enough to have cleaned up at home. It had to take place at the Laver after the sacrifice was made. After washing the priest was allowed to enter into the Tabernacle.
The Altar of Sacrifice is a type or symbol of repentance. It speaks to us of repenting of or confessing our sins to God. 1John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Just as the priest offered the sacrifice and cleansed himself at the Laver, we are to die to sin and allow God to cleanse us.
The Laver is a type of water baptism. The second step in the salvation plan is to be water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission or removal of our sins. The priest had to cleanse himself at the Laver to remove all that was unclean and unworthy to be in the presence of God. As we confess our sins, God is always faithful to forgive and cleanse us.
The priest then entered into the Holy Place. He ministered to God there. This is a type of our praise. Our praise is not about getting a blessing! Our praise is about ministering to God. Here they ministered with the Shew Bread which is a type or symbol of the Word of God or Truth. They also were able to see to minister because of the Seven Golden Candlesticks which were always lit and was the only light in the Holy Place. They refilled the oil on a daily basis in the Candlesticks. This is a type of the Holy Ghost. Oil in the Bible always speaks of the Holy Ghost in our lives. It has to be refilled on a daily basis. It is the illumination to the Word or Truth. The Bible speaks of worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth. The third article of furniture was the Altar of Incense which stood just in front of the veil. The aroma of the incense filled the Tabernacle. The Bible speaks of our prayer with uplifted hands coming up before God as incense or aroma and the evening sacrifice (Psalms 141:2). One of the Hebrew words for praise is Towdah. This word speaks of the extension of the hand in acknowledgment, acceptance or adoration. To honor God by taking Him at His word. The Altar of Incense is a type of our vocal praise to God as we enter into worship.
Now, I want you to notice something of great importance. In Leviticus 10:1 we are told of two men, Nadab and Abihu who were sons of Aaron. They came to the Altar of Incense with fire they had gotten from somewhere other than the Altar of Sacrifice. God sent fire from heaven that killed them. The Lord then spoke to Moses and had him give Aaron this message, "Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified . . ." (Lev 10:3) God demands those who approach Him in praise and worship must be cleansed.
Let me break this down a bit and try to explain what I am trying to say. When we come to God in praise and worship, there is a proper way to approach Him. Our hearts and minds need to be cleansed and pure before God in order for our praise and worship to be acceptable and blessed. Time should be taken to come before Him in repentance and humility. We should stop and realize that we all are sinners and need to confess and repent before God. John reminds us that we all have sin in our lives and if we say we are not sinners we are liars and the truth is far from us. However if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Then we are ready to enter into praise and worship. We have stopped at the Altar of Sacrifice and the Lave to cleanse ourselves. We are now ready to worship in Spirit and Truth.
When we begin to praise. Him. As we lift our voices to brag on who He is and what He has done. As we begin to talk of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us, we steadily approach the veil that separates the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. The uplifted voice and extended hand! The offering of a sweet-smelling sacrifice from our lips takes us to a place where our whole attention becomes focused on God! Who God is! We enter into a spirit of worship.
It is in the Holy of Holies that the Ark of the Covenant or Testimony was placed. This was a symbol to Israel of the presence of God. It was upon the Ark that the Mercy Seat was placed. It sat between the Cherubims which sat facing each other atop the Ark. Listen to the promise that God gave Moses for Israel.
"And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two Cherubims which are upon the ark . . ." Ex 25:22
We no longer have to go through the physical rituals with a High Priest, animal sacrifices and the shedding of blood. We no longer have to depend upon a man to take our atonement before God and hope that all is acceptable. We are now able to enter into the very presence of God through our worship. Hebrew 4:16 speaks of us now, as New Testament believers being able to come boldly to God to obtain mercy. We enter into that Holy of Holies, approaching the place where God will meet with us and commune with us. We can obtain mercy! We can obtain help! We can further a relationship with God.
The Psalmist asks the question, who can stand in the Holy Place? Then he answers, he that has clean hands and a pure heart and he will be blessed of the Lord. Clean hands and a pure heart come from repentance.
Being careful to approach God in our praise and worship by first taking time to purify yourself before Him is so important. Praise comes more readily. Worship becomes the spontaneous product of our praise. God’s blessings are poured out in response to the pure praise and worship. There is now nothing standing between us and God. There is now nothing hindering our praise and worship. There is now nothing causing us to feel guilty or condemned.
"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." ( Heb 10:19-22)
Well, it’s just a thought! God Bless . . .
As a teen, our Sunday School class spent a year studying the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Our Sunday School teacher, Mike Power, who later had the privilege of being my father-in-law (maybe that should be the other way around) used a unique method in teaching us about the Tabernacle. We would come to class and for one hour we would study the Tabernacle. We dissected it and looked at each part and its significance. There was no item, piece of material or article of clothing for the priest that was not studied. The second hour of our class was spent building a model replica of the Tabernacle. Again, time was spent on each and every item making sure it was done as close as possible to the original. We even tried to make shew bread just to know what it tasted like.
Later, as a Pastor, I again became fascinated with the Tabernacle. I was given a set of lessons by one of my mentors, Elder Kenneth Baglin, and taught for eighteen weeks on the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. I was able to find some slides, for the overhead projector, that were of a model of the Tabernacle.
Now, understand that this doesn’t make me an expert on the Tabernacle by any stretch. It just means that I really enjoy studying about it. One of the reasons for this is that there are so many types and shadows and parallels found in the Tabernacle. It was laid in the shape of a cross. It speaks of our approach to God. It speaks of the plan of salvation. It speaks of worship and our relationship with God. In fact Paul, in Hebrews, goes back to the Tabernacle and uses the rituals to explain the role of Jesus Christ in our being able to obtain mercy.
Worship, of course is something that should be important to all of us. It is paramount in our relationship to Jesus Christ. In fact, I will go so far as to say, without worship there is no relationship.
There is a difference between praise and worship. Praise is simply telling how good and how great God is. It is bragging on God for what He has done. It is telling what God can do. It is thanking Him for His blessings. Praise is vital and important. We are instructed to approach God with praise and thanksgiving. We do this because He is deserving and we want to let Him know that we hold Him in the highest regards.
Worship is the result of praise. Worship happens as we enter into His presence and begin to realize we are in the presence of the Most High. Worship is recognizing who He is. He is God. He is the Almighty. He is the Creator of all. He is wonderful. It isn’t about what He has done, but who He is. As the song says, ". . . it is not about what He did, it is all about who He was. If He never worked a single miracle, Jesus would have still been God."
Our worship is so important to God. He wants us to worship Him and yet at the same time He is very particular how we worship Him. Because of who He is and because of His Holiness just any type or form of worship isn’t acceptable to Him. Let me show you what I mean.
When you approach the Tabernacle of Moses you see a tent with an outer court which has walls which were made from fabric stretched between post made of wood overlaid with gold. As you enter into the outer court, the first thing you will see is a large altar that was used to offer the sacrifices of the people. Just beyond the altar was a large basin which was called the "Brazen Laver." This was used by the priest to cleanse himself before they were allowed to enter into the Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle of Moses was a large tent. It had walls that were again made of wood and overlaid with gold. These walls were not seen from the outside because of several layers of fabric that covered them. When you passed the curtain and entered into the Tabernacle you saw three articles of furniture. There was the Table of Shew Bread, the Seven Gold Candlesticks and the Altar of Incense. This is where the priest ministered on a daily basis. It was called the Holy Place.
Dividing the Tabernacle was a large curtain or veil. Behind this veil was another room where only the High Priest was allowed to enter and they could enter only one time each year. In this room, called the Holy of Holies, was the Ark of the Covenant and atop the Ark set the Mercy seat. It was here that the High Priest would apply the blood from the sacrifice once a year.
When the priest entered the Holy Place he had to be careful to first cleanse himself. A sacrifice had to be made. Cleansing had to take place at the Laver. It wasn’t good enough to have cleaned up at home. It had to take place at the Laver after the sacrifice was made. After washing the priest was allowed to enter into the Tabernacle.
The Altar of Sacrifice is a type or symbol of repentance. It speaks to us of repenting of or confessing our sins to God. 1John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Just as the priest offered the sacrifice and cleansed himself at the Laver, we are to die to sin and allow God to cleanse us.
The Laver is a type of water baptism. The second step in the salvation plan is to be water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission or removal of our sins. The priest had to cleanse himself at the Laver to remove all that was unclean and unworthy to be in the presence of God. As we confess our sins, God is always faithful to forgive and cleanse us.
The priest then entered into the Holy Place. He ministered to God there. This is a type of our praise. Our praise is not about getting a blessing! Our praise is about ministering to God. Here they ministered with the Shew Bread which is a type or symbol of the Word of God or Truth. They also were able to see to minister because of the Seven Golden Candlesticks which were always lit and was the only light in the Holy Place. They refilled the oil on a daily basis in the Candlesticks. This is a type of the Holy Ghost. Oil in the Bible always speaks of the Holy Ghost in our lives. It has to be refilled on a daily basis. It is the illumination to the Word or Truth. The Bible speaks of worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth. The third article of furniture was the Altar of Incense which stood just in front of the veil. The aroma of the incense filled the Tabernacle. The Bible speaks of our prayer with uplifted hands coming up before God as incense or aroma and the evening sacrifice (Psalms 141:2). One of the Hebrew words for praise is Towdah. This word speaks of the extension of the hand in acknowledgment, acceptance or adoration. To honor God by taking Him at His word. The Altar of Incense is a type of our vocal praise to God as we enter into worship.
Now, I want you to notice something of great importance. In Leviticus 10:1 we are told of two men, Nadab and Abihu who were sons of Aaron. They came to the Altar of Incense with fire they had gotten from somewhere other than the Altar of Sacrifice. God sent fire from heaven that killed them. The Lord then spoke to Moses and had him give Aaron this message, "Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified . . ." (Lev 10:3) God demands those who approach Him in praise and worship must be cleansed.
Let me break this down a bit and try to explain what I am trying to say. When we come to God in praise and worship, there is a proper way to approach Him. Our hearts and minds need to be cleansed and pure before God in order for our praise and worship to be acceptable and blessed. Time should be taken to come before Him in repentance and humility. We should stop and realize that we all are sinners and need to confess and repent before God. John reminds us that we all have sin in our lives and if we say we are not sinners we are liars and the truth is far from us. However if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Then we are ready to enter into praise and worship. We have stopped at the Altar of Sacrifice and the Lave to cleanse ourselves. We are now ready to worship in Spirit and Truth.
When we begin to praise. Him. As we lift our voices to brag on who He is and what He has done. As we begin to talk of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us, we steadily approach the veil that separates the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. The uplifted voice and extended hand! The offering of a sweet-smelling sacrifice from our lips takes us to a place where our whole attention becomes focused on God! Who God is! We enter into a spirit of worship.
It is in the Holy of Holies that the Ark of the Covenant or Testimony was placed. This was a symbol to Israel of the presence of God. It was upon the Ark that the Mercy Seat was placed. It sat between the Cherubims which sat facing each other atop the Ark. Listen to the promise that God gave Moses for Israel.
"And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two Cherubims which are upon the ark . . ." Ex 25:22
We no longer have to go through the physical rituals with a High Priest, animal sacrifices and the shedding of blood. We no longer have to depend upon a man to take our atonement before God and hope that all is acceptable. We are now able to enter into the very presence of God through our worship. Hebrew 4:16 speaks of us now, as New Testament believers being able to come boldly to God to obtain mercy. We enter into that Holy of Holies, approaching the place where God will meet with us and commune with us. We can obtain mercy! We can obtain help! We can further a relationship with God.
The Psalmist asks the question, who can stand in the Holy Place? Then he answers, he that has clean hands and a pure heart and he will be blessed of the Lord. Clean hands and a pure heart come from repentance.
Being careful to approach God in our praise and worship by first taking time to purify yourself before Him is so important. Praise comes more readily. Worship becomes the spontaneous product of our praise. God’s blessings are poured out in response to the pure praise and worship. There is now nothing standing between us and God. There is now nothing hindering our praise and worship. There is now nothing causing us to feel guilty or condemned.
"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." ( Heb 10:19-22)
Well, it’s just a thought! God Bless . . .
Friday, April 30, 2010
I Have a New Name
Yesterday a beautiful three years old came out to greet her brother as he got off the bus. She climbed up on the first step, by her mother, looked at me and smiled. Instantly I lost my heart! She asked if she could have a piece of candy too and of course I gave her and her baby sister each one.
As I watched, the children scamper across the yard toward the house I was amazed at what a beautiful family they were. How happy and content the children all seemed to be. I was then reminded of the rest of the story.
Several months ago we had stopped to pick up the older brother for school. As I was doing my paper work and the bus aides were buckling him in they were talking to the mother about his sister. This little boy has been adopted by his parents. Now they were in the process of adopting this little girl.
Someone asked what the baby’s name was and if they were adopting her. The mother went on to explain that after a period of time the parental rights of the birth parents would be severed. At that time she was giving this child a new name and a new life with a new family.
As she said this, I remembered a passage of scripture in the Book of Romans where Paul told the Church of Rome, ""For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." (Romans 8:15-17). I must admit I became really excited.
In Rome many times a child was put up for adoption because of debts owed by the birth family. It was common in Bible times for family members to be cast into a debtor prison or sold into slavery to pay the debt. So instead of allowing that to happen to their children parents often put the child up for adoption. When this child was adopted, he took on the name of the adopted family. His old name was forgotten. Everything that connected him to his past was forgotten, as if it had never happened. All of the old debts or even any crimes of the past were all forgotten as if they had never happened.
The adopted child became a natural heir to his adopted father, with the same rights as a natural child. He was given a new identity. It was as if he had never lived a day before his adoption, as if he were born again. He no longer had to live in fear of slavery or bondage because of his past, he was given a new beginning. He received a brand-new life!
Paul likens our relationship to Jesus Christ to that of an adopted child. The fears that were associated with our past no longer have a claim on us. We no longer have to live in a spirit of fear. We have been adopted by God to be His children! The spiritual debts we owed no longer have a claim on us. We have been told " . . . the wages of sin is death . . . " (Romans 6:23a) however we are no longer being held accountable for that debt, it has been forgiven. We have now been given "...the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." *Romans 6:23b)
In 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Fear is not a gift from God. It is not part of the inheritance of a child of God. Rather, our inheritance includes power, speaking of a super natural or miraculous power. It is also referring to being able or something being possible. We have received the Spirit of Love from our Father. This is speaking of a Godly love that is a love-feast. There is an abundance of love from the Father. We also receive the Spirit of a sound-mind which is referring to a mind that is controlled or disciplined. What a heritage!
The enemy would have us to live in fear of our past, but God has not given us a spirit of fear of the past or the future. We have a new name or authority, power. We can expect the miraculous in our lives! We are given a spirit of love, acceptance or forgiveness. We can feel wanted of God! We are given the spirit of a sound, disciplined mind. Free to think upon the promises and accept the blessings of God. It is our heritage!
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," (Luke 4:18-19) When we come to Jesus, He will heal our hearts that were broken by life. He will bring us deliverance from our past that holds us in captivity. He will open our eyes to the hope and promise we can find in Him. He will allow His blood to flow through our lives setting us free from the blows life and sin has given us. He will give us a new life and new beginning.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17) we have the promise of a new life in Christ Jesus! No matter who we are or what our history is, we start over again at adoption.
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." (Revelation 2:17) Jesus is speaking to the Church and makes us this promise. Let me explain what this means to us.
A White stone was given by judges, during a trial to show the defendant was not guilty. A black stone was given to show the defendant was guilty. When Christ promised the over comer a white stone, He also promised a new name to be written in the stone. Not only did He say not guilty, but Christ is promising absolution from guilt. He is telling us, "I will not only say you are not guilty, I will give you a brand new name that will not connect you with you past, but will give you a new beginning."
Friend, when I was born again into the Kingdom of God I really got more than I bargained for. I thought I was just receiving forgiveness of my sins. However, I found out that I received a brand-new name and with it I also received a brand-new life. Oh what a Savior!
It’s just a thought! God Bless...
As I watched, the children scamper across the yard toward the house I was amazed at what a beautiful family they were. How happy and content the children all seemed to be. I was then reminded of the rest of the story.
Several months ago we had stopped to pick up the older brother for school. As I was doing my paper work and the bus aides were buckling him in they were talking to the mother about his sister. This little boy has been adopted by his parents. Now they were in the process of adopting this little girl.
Someone asked what the baby’s name was and if they were adopting her. The mother went on to explain that after a period of time the parental rights of the birth parents would be severed. At that time she was giving this child a new name and a new life with a new family.
As she said this, I remembered a passage of scripture in the Book of Romans where Paul told the Church of Rome, ""For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." (Romans 8:15-17). I must admit I became really excited.
In Rome many times a child was put up for adoption because of debts owed by the birth family. It was common in Bible times for family members to be cast into a debtor prison or sold into slavery to pay the debt. So instead of allowing that to happen to their children parents often put the child up for adoption. When this child was adopted, he took on the name of the adopted family. His old name was forgotten. Everything that connected him to his past was forgotten, as if it had never happened. All of the old debts or even any crimes of the past were all forgotten as if they had never happened.
The adopted child became a natural heir to his adopted father, with the same rights as a natural child. He was given a new identity. It was as if he had never lived a day before his adoption, as if he were born again. He no longer had to live in fear of slavery or bondage because of his past, he was given a new beginning. He received a brand-new life!
Paul likens our relationship to Jesus Christ to that of an adopted child. The fears that were associated with our past no longer have a claim on us. We no longer have to live in a spirit of fear. We have been adopted by God to be His children! The spiritual debts we owed no longer have a claim on us. We have been told " . . . the wages of sin is death . . . " (Romans 6:23a) however we are no longer being held accountable for that debt, it has been forgiven. We have now been given "...the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." *Romans 6:23b)
In 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Fear is not a gift from God. It is not part of the inheritance of a child of God. Rather, our inheritance includes power, speaking of a super natural or miraculous power. It is also referring to being able or something being possible. We have received the Spirit of Love from our Father. This is speaking of a Godly love that is a love-feast. There is an abundance of love from the Father. We also receive the Spirit of a sound-mind which is referring to a mind that is controlled or disciplined. What a heritage!
The enemy would have us to live in fear of our past, but God has not given us a spirit of fear of the past or the future. We have a new name or authority, power. We can expect the miraculous in our lives! We are given a spirit of love, acceptance or forgiveness. We can feel wanted of God! We are given the spirit of a sound, disciplined mind. Free to think upon the promises and accept the blessings of God. It is our heritage!
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," (Luke 4:18-19) When we come to Jesus, He will heal our hearts that were broken by life. He will bring us deliverance from our past that holds us in captivity. He will open our eyes to the hope and promise we can find in Him. He will allow His blood to flow through our lives setting us free from the blows life and sin has given us. He will give us a new life and new beginning.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17) we have the promise of a new life in Christ Jesus! No matter who we are or what our history is, we start over again at adoption.
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." (Revelation 2:17) Jesus is speaking to the Church and makes us this promise. Let me explain what this means to us.
A White stone was given by judges, during a trial to show the defendant was not guilty. A black stone was given to show the defendant was guilty. When Christ promised the over comer a white stone, He also promised a new name to be written in the stone. Not only did He say not guilty, but Christ is promising absolution from guilt. He is telling us, "I will not only say you are not guilty, I will give you a brand new name that will not connect you with you past, but will give you a new beginning."
Friend, when I was born again into the Kingdom of God I really got more than I bargained for. I thought I was just receiving forgiveness of my sins. However, I found out that I received a brand-new name and with it I also received a brand-new life. Oh what a Savior!
It’s just a thought! God Bless...
sound mind
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Moses, Take Off Your Feet!
Lately I have been sharing some thoughts that were on the more serious side of life. About difficult times, you know those storms or hot spots. However, I needed a little humor myself and thought maybe some of my friends do too. My Dad was a great man and a great preacher. When he walked to the pulpit, he was serious about the Lord’s business. Yet at the same time, there were some great moments to remember that were anything but serious. I hope this blesses you as it blessed me remembering the occasion.
Dad was an "Old Time Preacher" even at a young age. When he preached he told a lot of Bible stories. He would then apply them to the lives of those he was preaching to. Dad was a very good story teller. He would tell the story his own way, putting life into the old stories that had been heard in Sunday school as a child.
If he was telling the story of Jonah and the Whale, He would have Jonah asleep in the bottom of the boat while the storm was blowing outside. Jonah wouldn't just be asleep, but Jonah would be snoring. Snoring loudly! Then Jonah would be in the belly of the whale and he would be trying to pray with sea weed wrapped around his head and neck.
He didn’t just tell the story, but he dramatized them as well. He would have Jonah gagging and choking, getting slapped in the face by the seaweed or a fish. Even now, after so many years, I can still see and hear him in my memory. Oh, what a preacher he was!
I have had people come up to me at meetings and tell me about sermons he had preached, sometimes forty years before. They still remembered those messages, sometimes in detail. They remembered the stories he told, but they also remembered how it helped them deal with things in their lives they were having hard times with. Oh, what a preacher he was!
I will never forget this one service and this one message he preached. It was at a "Watchnight Service" in Fresno, California. The Fresno Church, at that time was located on Harvey and Thesta.
A "Watchnight Service" was a special service on New Years Eve. People would come to church and worship the old year out and the New Year in, or watch it happen.
This service was on December 31, 1963. Dad had been asked to be the main speaker for the service. The choir had sung. The preliminaries had been taken care of. Time was getting toward the midnight hour and it was time for the main speaker to speak.
Dad began preaching, and my how he preached. He really had it that night. He ran! He jumped! The people responded with "Amen’s" "Preach it" and "Hallelujah's." There might have even been a “Come on little brotha! “ He was reaching out to people! He had the message and what a preacher he was that night.
He went back to the Book of Exodus and began telling that familiar story that we all know so well. The story about the baby that was found in the bull rushes by Pharaoh’s daughter. She took Moses, the baby, from the bull rushes to Pharaoh’s house where the Hebrew child was raised under the roof of the greatest enemy of the Hebrews, Pharaoh.
He had Moses sitting on Pharaoh’s knee, playing with his toys at his feet. He talked of Moses eating at Pharaoh’s table, sleeping in a bed he provided and going to the best schools in the nation. Then, he painted a “word” picture of Moses, while in Pharaoh’s house, being taught about Jehovah God by his birth mother. He explained how from that teaching a love for God and for God's people grew in the heart of Moses.
Dad told of how that love became so strong Moses was driven by a desire to free Israel from the rule of Pharaoh. He longed to see them regain their independence. This feeling was so great one day Moses happened upon an Egyptian beating a Hebrew and Moses killed the Egyptian, burying him in the sand.
Thinking that his deed was secret, Moses was surprised later when he found that others knew what he had done. So Moses fled to the wilderness. There he met a young lady, went to work for her father and lived for forty years.
Now, Dad has the congregation of people listening very intently. They are hanging onto every word. They follow along as he talks about Moses, forty years working as a shepherd. He paints as picture of him taking care of his sheep when he sees a bush burning in the field. He approaches the bush, because he notices that although the bush is burning, the fire is not consuming or burning up the bush.
Although more than ninety five percent of the people listening had heard the story so many times they could have told it themselves, they were listening with undivided attention as Dad led them with Moses right up to the bush. They were listening so close they could almost hear the voice call from the bush and say, "Moses, take off your feet you are on Holy ground!"
A hush fell over the building! Dad continued without missing a beat, "The voice from the bush, the voice of God, said, "Moses take off your feet, you are on Holy ground. And Moses reached down in obedience to God and took his feet off!"
As you can well imagine everybody began to laugh and they laughed for a long while as they pictured Moses sitting down on a rock and trying to take off his feet. Dad stopped, when he realized what he said, and laughed with everyone else. He then went on a finished his sermon. It was a night that I will never forget.
Sometimes we just need to laugh!
It's just a thought! God Bless...
Dad was an "Old Time Preacher" even at a young age. When he preached he told a lot of Bible stories. He would then apply them to the lives of those he was preaching to. Dad was a very good story teller. He would tell the story his own way, putting life into the old stories that had been heard in Sunday school as a child.
If he was telling the story of Jonah and the Whale, He would have Jonah asleep in the bottom of the boat while the storm was blowing outside. Jonah wouldn't just be asleep, but Jonah would be snoring. Snoring loudly! Then Jonah would be in the belly of the whale and he would be trying to pray with sea weed wrapped around his head and neck.
He didn’t just tell the story, but he dramatized them as well. He would have Jonah gagging and choking, getting slapped in the face by the seaweed or a fish. Even now, after so many years, I can still see and hear him in my memory. Oh, what a preacher he was!
I have had people come up to me at meetings and tell me about sermons he had preached, sometimes forty years before. They still remembered those messages, sometimes in detail. They remembered the stories he told, but they also remembered how it helped them deal with things in their lives they were having hard times with. Oh, what a preacher he was!
I will never forget this one service and this one message he preached. It was at a "Watchnight Service" in Fresno, California. The Fresno Church, at that time was located on Harvey and Thesta.
A "Watchnight Service" was a special service on New Years Eve. People would come to church and worship the old year out and the New Year in, or watch it happen.
This service was on December 31, 1963. Dad had been asked to be the main speaker for the service. The choir had sung. The preliminaries had been taken care of. Time was getting toward the midnight hour and it was time for the main speaker to speak.
Dad began preaching, and my how he preached. He really had it that night. He ran! He jumped! The people responded with "Amen’s" "Preach it" and "Hallelujah's." There might have even been a “Come on little brotha! “ He was reaching out to people! He had the message and what a preacher he was that night.
He went back to the Book of Exodus and began telling that familiar story that we all know so well. The story about the baby that was found in the bull rushes by Pharaoh’s daughter. She took Moses, the baby, from the bull rushes to Pharaoh’s house where the Hebrew child was raised under the roof of the greatest enemy of the Hebrews, Pharaoh.
He had Moses sitting on Pharaoh’s knee, playing with his toys at his feet. He talked of Moses eating at Pharaoh’s table, sleeping in a bed he provided and going to the best schools in the nation. Then, he painted a “word” picture of Moses, while in Pharaoh’s house, being taught about Jehovah God by his birth mother. He explained how from that teaching a love for God and for God's people grew in the heart of Moses.
Dad told of how that love became so strong Moses was driven by a desire to free Israel from the rule of Pharaoh. He longed to see them regain their independence. This feeling was so great one day Moses happened upon an Egyptian beating a Hebrew and Moses killed the Egyptian, burying him in the sand.
Thinking that his deed was secret, Moses was surprised later when he found that others knew what he had done. So Moses fled to the wilderness. There he met a young lady, went to work for her father and lived for forty years.
Now, Dad has the congregation of people listening very intently. They are hanging onto every word. They follow along as he talks about Moses, forty years working as a shepherd. He paints as picture of him taking care of his sheep when he sees a bush burning in the field. He approaches the bush, because he notices that although the bush is burning, the fire is not consuming or burning up the bush.
Although more than ninety five percent of the people listening had heard the story so many times they could have told it themselves, they were listening with undivided attention as Dad led them with Moses right up to the bush. They were listening so close they could almost hear the voice call from the bush and say, "Moses, take off your feet you are on Holy ground!"
A hush fell over the building! Dad continued without missing a beat, "The voice from the bush, the voice of God, said, "Moses take off your feet, you are on Holy ground. And Moses reached down in obedience to God and took his feet off!"
As you can well imagine everybody began to laugh and they laughed for a long while as they pictured Moses sitting down on a rock and trying to take off his feet. Dad stopped, when he realized what he said, and laughed with everyone else. He then went on a finished his sermon. It was a night that I will never forget.
Sometimes we just need to laugh!
It's just a thought! God Bless...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Umbrella of Protection and Power Part 2
Every one of us should have a desire to have more power with God and to come under His protection. Several years ago, God impressed upon my mind the importance of having this type of a relationship with Him. I want to have a relationship of protection and power with God. I called it “The Umbrella of Protection and Power.” This is the second blog in a series on this subject.
There is a relationship between pride and self-respect. Pride that leads to self-respect is controlled pride. We must have self-respect, which is a sense of self-value or self-esteem. This is seeing ourselves as God sees us. However, the pride that God hates is uncontrolled pride and it motivates the works of our flesh. This is the pride where the “I” is in control. “P-r-I-d-e” where the big “I” is in the center and dominates.
If I want protection from God, it will only come through my submission. Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5:5-7, “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (KJV) It is better to humble ourselves than to have God humble us!
To humble myself requires self-discipline. It means that I must deny myself and bring myself under authority. However, by humbling myself to God I place myself under the “Umbrella of His Protection and Power.” Notice also that by humbling myself to God I am also now the recipient of a great benefit from God. The offer given to me is that I can cast my cares, my anxieties and worries upon Him. He cares about me. He will also take care of all my worries.
Submission does not know distinction. Peter tells us to submit ourselves to our Elders. We need to understand that Peter is writing to the Church and is not talking of age when he uses the terms younger and Elder. The word younger, as used here, speaks of one that is new or fresh. We would call them a Beginner, or Rookie. The word Elder speaks of those who would be the ministry and Spiritual Guides of the Church. He also directs us to submit to one another. We need to put humbleness on as a “cover-all!” By doing so we give ourselves protection from pride, arrogance and insolence. We must submit ourselves to God! This brings us under His protection. It makes us reliant on His power. It also allows God to exalt us.
I have noticed that when we read certain passages of the Bible, which have become familiar to us, we sometimes fail to read all the scriptures that pertain to the subject. For example, we often use 1 Peter 5:7 to say God wants us to give Him all of our cares. Yet we fail to include the condition to be able to cast our cares upon Him is our submission. We quote James 4:7 saying if we resist the devil he will flee from us. Yet we fail to include the first part of the verse that tells us to submit ourselves to God. By missing these key components, we set ourselves up for failure and frustration.
Paul gives us key instructions, in Ephesians 5:21-33, regarding our relationship as the Church with God. He likens the Church to the wife of Christ and likens Christ as the husband of the Church. In this instruction, he tells the wife to submit herself to her husband just as the Church submits to Christ. He instructs the husband to love his wife and give her the same sort of love that Christ gives the Church. We place emphasis upon the wife submitting herself to her husband. However, again, we often fail to read the first verse on this subject and here Paul tells us in verse 21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” (KJV) Paul tells us we need to submit ourselves to each other. That would be wives submit yourself to your husband. In addition, husbands submit yourselves unto your wife!
Paul is instructing us to submit ourselves unto each other because of our commitment to Christ. By doing so, we again bring ourselves under the “Umbrella of Protection.” Here is how the Protection works: Christ protects all under His “Umbrella of Protection.” Through submission to Christ and to his wife, the husband comes under the “Umbrella” of Christ and protects those under his own “Umbrella” which would be his wife and his children. Through submission to her husband and to Christ, the wife is under the “Umbrella” of her husband and the “Umbrella” of Christ. This submission protects those under her “Umbrella” her husband and her children.
Nothing can get to the submitted wife without passing through the “Umbrella of Protection” that her submitted husband has placed over her. Nothing can get to the husband without passing through the “Umbrella of Protection” that a submitted wife has placed over him. Nothing can get to their family without passing through these “Umbrellas” and the “Umbrella of Protection” that Christ places over those living in submission. He gave Himself for His bride!
The enemy of our soul would have us to live in fear of submission! This is a lie of the enemy. He refused submission choosing rather to rebel. When we hear the word “submit” he paints a picture of a mouse, a door mat, weakness and being timid. However, we find that true power comes to us as we submit ourselves to God. In fact, in Matthew 5 as Jesus is teaching what we call the “Beatitudes” His first one tells us they way to receive the Kingdom of God is to realize that we are nothing without Him. The third one tells us if we are meek, submitted, we will inherit the earth. We will be victorious! These are just the opposite of what we would naturally assume to be true.
God somehow help us to realize the power and protection that will come to our lives when we submit ourselves to you and to others. There is power in submission.
This is the second in the series “The Umbrella of Power and Protection.”
It’s Just a Thought…God Bless!
There is a relationship between pride and self-respect. Pride that leads to self-respect is controlled pride. We must have self-respect, which is a sense of self-value or self-esteem. This is seeing ourselves as God sees us. However, the pride that God hates is uncontrolled pride and it motivates the works of our flesh. This is the pride where the “I” is in control. “P-r-I-d-e” where the big “I” is in the center and dominates.
If I want protection from God, it will only come through my submission. Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5:5-7, “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (KJV) It is better to humble ourselves than to have God humble us!
To humble myself requires self-discipline. It means that I must deny myself and bring myself under authority. However, by humbling myself to God I place myself under the “Umbrella of His Protection and Power.” Notice also that by humbling myself to God I am also now the recipient of a great benefit from God. The offer given to me is that I can cast my cares, my anxieties and worries upon Him. He cares about me. He will also take care of all my worries.
Submission does not know distinction. Peter tells us to submit ourselves to our Elders. We need to understand that Peter is writing to the Church and is not talking of age when he uses the terms younger and Elder. The word younger, as used here, speaks of one that is new or fresh. We would call them a Beginner, or Rookie. The word Elder speaks of those who would be the ministry and Spiritual Guides of the Church. He also directs us to submit to one another. We need to put humbleness on as a “cover-all!” By doing so we give ourselves protection from pride, arrogance and insolence. We must submit ourselves to God! This brings us under His protection. It makes us reliant on His power. It also allows God to exalt us.
I have noticed that when we read certain passages of the Bible, which have become familiar to us, we sometimes fail to read all the scriptures that pertain to the subject. For example, we often use 1 Peter 5:7 to say God wants us to give Him all of our cares. Yet we fail to include the condition to be able to cast our cares upon Him is our submission. We quote James 4:7 saying if we resist the devil he will flee from us. Yet we fail to include the first part of the verse that tells us to submit ourselves to God. By missing these key components, we set ourselves up for failure and frustration.
Paul gives us key instructions, in Ephesians 5:21-33, regarding our relationship as the Church with God. He likens the Church to the wife of Christ and likens Christ as the husband of the Church. In this instruction, he tells the wife to submit herself to her husband just as the Church submits to Christ. He instructs the husband to love his wife and give her the same sort of love that Christ gives the Church. We place emphasis upon the wife submitting herself to her husband. However, again, we often fail to read the first verse on this subject and here Paul tells us in verse 21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” (KJV) Paul tells us we need to submit ourselves to each other. That would be wives submit yourself to your husband. In addition, husbands submit yourselves unto your wife!
Paul is instructing us to submit ourselves unto each other because of our commitment to Christ. By doing so, we again bring ourselves under the “Umbrella of Protection.” Here is how the Protection works: Christ protects all under His “Umbrella of Protection.” Through submission to Christ and to his wife, the husband comes under the “Umbrella” of Christ and protects those under his own “Umbrella” which would be his wife and his children. Through submission to her husband and to Christ, the wife is under the “Umbrella” of her husband and the “Umbrella” of Christ. This submission protects those under her “Umbrella” her husband and her children.
Nothing can get to the submitted wife without passing through the “Umbrella of Protection” that her submitted husband has placed over her. Nothing can get to the husband without passing through the “Umbrella of Protection” that a submitted wife has placed over him. Nothing can get to their family without passing through these “Umbrellas” and the “Umbrella of Protection” that Christ places over those living in submission. He gave Himself for His bride!
The enemy of our soul would have us to live in fear of submission! This is a lie of the enemy. He refused submission choosing rather to rebel. When we hear the word “submit” he paints a picture of a mouse, a door mat, weakness and being timid. However, we find that true power comes to us as we submit ourselves to God. In fact, in Matthew 5 as Jesus is teaching what we call the “Beatitudes” His first one tells us they way to receive the Kingdom of God is to realize that we are nothing without Him. The third one tells us if we are meek, submitted, we will inherit the earth. We will be victorious! These are just the opposite of what we would naturally assume to be true.
God somehow help us to realize the power and protection that will come to our lives when we submit ourselves to you and to others. There is power in submission.
This is the second in the series “The Umbrella of Power and Protection.”
It’s Just a Thought…God Bless!
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