Monday, February 4, 2013

A Good Soldier

Last night I listened to a brief story told by a 90 plus year old veteran of World War 2. It was his personal story of his experiences on the battle field. The story, which captured my attention immediately, includes accounts of being wounded three different times in three different battles in three different countries. It also included an incident where they should have killed him but God heard his prayer for mercy. The veteran spoke of being a good soldier, which caused me to realize that not everyone is a good soldier. More is required, to be a good soldier, than completing basic training. A uniform, although it identifies the soldier and makes him look handsome, doesn't make him a good soldier. A rifle on his shoulder and a helmet in his head are equipment every soldier needs, but they won't make him a soldier. Even being on the battlefield in the heat of battle isn't enough to make a person a good soldier. Listening to this veteran paratrooper I came to realize the characteristics of a good soldier were internal rather than external. They were ingredients of the inward man rather than the external characteristics that might attract our attention to the soldier. I had to think of King Saul from the book of First Samuel. He was attractive to the people of Israel as they looked for a king. He stood head and shoulders above every man in Israel. He seemed to have a humble demeanor when he is first introduced. Yet we quickly find that he is not a good soldier nor a good leader. His poor judgment and rash decisions lead Israel into situations that are very detrimental to them. In fact, when God is choosing a leader to replace Saul, he tells Samuel, "Men look at the outward appearance, I however, look at the heart." The Apostle Paul, in Second Timothy 2:3, encourages Timothy to "endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." Endurance must be a quality of a good soldier. As a good soldier you will have patience, and the stamina, to carry out the task before you. Being a soldier requires more than marching on the parade ground. A soldier is going to be in some difficult situations. He is going to have sometime of pain, fear, discomfort and stress. However, a good soldier is going to endure them. Suffering will be part of his life as a soldier. Several years ago, I listened to the story of a recipient of a "Purple Heart" as he told of the battle in which the Japanese wounded him. It was during World War Two and he was going in front of Marines that were landing on a South Pacific Island, with a mine sweeper. A sniper shot him, leaving him wounded on the beach. His fellow Marines were unable to reach him and he was unable to move because the sniper's fire had him pinned down. For two days he laid in the sand enduring or suffering the hardship of battle until they drove the enemy back and they rescued him. A soldier of the cross realizes that there will be sometimes when he must endure or suffer for the "cause" of Christ. Jesus said we would need to take up our cross and follow him. We would need to forsake things that are dear to us and put him first in our lives. A good soldier obeys orders. They might not always agree with what they have ordered them to do, but they carry out the command, nevertheless. The soldier realizes that he is only seeing and considering the immediate situation while the commander is looking at the whole battle. The commander understands what is required too win the battle. The good soldier trusts himself to the commander and follows his orders. We often look at our immediate situation and wonder if our "commander" is right in what he is telling us. Does he really understand what we are facing and where we are going, are questions that run through our mind? However, we must trust in the Lord! In fact the writer of the Proverbs says, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding," (Proverbs 3:5). Another trait of a good soldier is hatred. I am sure this catches you by surprise, as it did me. However, a good soldier MUST hate the enemy. From listening to these veterans I learned that somewhere along the line, the war becomes personal. Up to that time you are just doing your job and trying to survive. Nevertheless, when they have wounded and killed friends and comrades and they have wounded you, the war becomes personal to you. A hatred is born for the enemy! A good soldier of the cross must hate sin! Sin is destructive! Jesus spoke of the thief coming to kill, steal and destroy. I have seen the destructive power of sin. I have seen lives broken and destroyed by sin. Marriages destroyed and ministries lost as the result of sin. Love is stolen, families crushed, careers sabotaged and lives ravished all because of sin. I hate sin! Sin has caused many broken hearts! I hate sin! One last trait of a good soldier is that he refuses to become involved with the enemy or anything that might distract him from his task. He is on a mission and nothing will stop him from accomplishing what he has set out to do. Paul told the young man Timothy that a man who is at war refuses to entangle himself with the affairs of this life. He wants to please the one who has chosen him to be a soldier. He remains focused on his task. The good soldier is not tangled up with civilian life. He is a soldier! An old song, which we sometimes sang when I was growing up, called "Onward Christian Soldiers." We are soldiers of Christ. He is our "captain" and is leading us into battle for our souls. The results are eternal so we must be diligent and watchful. Determine in your heart to be a good soldier. Purpose in your heart to be a good soldier. Make a commitment to endure the hardship that comes your way. Hate sin! Don't become entangled with this world. Trust your commander. Be a good soldier! Remember! It is just a thought!

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