Saturday, January 12, 2013

Momma's on a Mission!

Unspeakable fear and uncontrolled thoughts race through her mind as she travels at a speed much faster than she is accustomed to. She doesn’t take the time to look behind her to see if anyone is following her. Nor does she really look ahead to see where she is going. Her eyes take in the objects, along the road, that she must miss, yet she isn’t aware of them. Momma was on an urgent mission! She had to reach the prophet! As she hurried along her mind went over the events of the past several years that had led up to today. She remembered, so well, the day she and her husband had first met the prophet. He had visited their little town and they had invited him to their home to eat. This was the first of many meals shared in their home with the prophet. She also remembered, with almost a smile, the day they had led him to the door of they had built the little room which was especially for him to use. Oh the look of surprise and gratitude that was on his face that day. Then, of course, she remembered the day that he told them they would have a son in nine months. That feelings of being afraid to dare hope it would be true that they would have a son after all these years. In fact, she had been so afraid, to accept the promise of a miracle child, she had told the prophet not to tease her with such a promise. Yet, despite her apprehensions, the son had been born. He was such a fine young man! He was sweet and loved his Momma. Also, he was energetic and wanted to be like his Daddy. In fact, just that very morning he had arose early and insisted that he accompany his Daddy to the field to work. “Momma,” he said, “I want to be a farmer just like my Daddy.” With great sorrow she recalled the events of that morning, including the servant rushing the boy to the house. He had developed a headache while in the fields with his father. While she held him in her arms, he had died! Now she is on the way to find the prophet! He had given her a promise and promised a miracle! The miracle and promise had come true. They had happened. Was she allowed to hold her miracle only to see it fade away so soon? Did she receive her promise for it to die in her arms? NO! She refused to accept that to be true! So, Momma was on a mission! When she had left the house, she had told her husband, who wondered where she was going, “It shall be well.” As she approached the home of the prophet, he spotted her coming down the road and sent his servant to greet her. She told the servant that all was well. Then she came to the prophet, the man of God, who had given her a promise that became a miracle and she pours out her heart. Momma is on a mission! The determination of this mother amazes me. We do not hear her say woe is me. Nor do we hear her say that life is not fair. What she does say, to the prophet, “You made me a promise and I told you not to make it if it wasn’t going to be true. Now I want my promise!” The prophet sends his servant ahead of them to the body of the boy. However, the Bible tells us, in Second Kings 4:30, this mother refused to leave the prophet. She was clinging to her miracle. There was “no give up” in her make up. Yes, her promise laid dead on a bed. I know, her miracle had died in her arms. However, no matter what the facts said, she wasn’t giving up on her promised miracle. Momma was on a mission. I remember the joy of holding my babies in my arms when they were born. The feeling that I felt, as I looked into their faces, is one that I will never forget. So, I can imagine how that mother felt, a few hours later, when her son sat on her lap again. No, I don’t know how she felt since. I have never experienced what she did that day. Yet I can just imagine the joy and thankfulness she felt as again she held her miracle. In fact, she was holding a “two time miracle!” How often do we give up on our promise? We dare to hope for it! We stretch to believe it will happen. Then when there is a problem, when some type of obstacle comes up, we give up and walk away. Yet, in spite of all of the evidence that shouted at this Mother to give up, she held on. Despite the fact it did not make sense to believe otherwise. This Mother held to the fact that the prophet had made her a promise and had received a miracle. She had said she didn’t want it if it wasn’t going to happen and it happened. So, she was going to cling to her promise and would again hold her miracle. Momma was on a mission. Hold on! No matter what the evidence screams at you! Cling to your promise. Keep holding on to your miracle. Know that it might not happen the way you planned it. Understand that God might want it to happen in a different way than you thought or planned for it to happen. This is the time to put your trust and confidence in God and allow God to be God! Oh the GLORY and HONOR that come to those who trust God to do his will in his own way. We have the promise! The miracle happens! It seems the miracle will pass from you. This is when faith has to happen and trust has to kick in. This is when we have to refuse to leave the source of our miracle! Make that your mission! I will have my miracle! I will hold on to my promise! Remember! It is just a thought! God bless.

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