Wednesday, December 26, 2012

You Might Lose Your Head But Don't Lose Your Heart

“You might lose your head, but don’t lose your heart” ~ Peter. Ok, I just made that up. Peter didn’t really say those words, that we know of. However, Peter did live a life that spoke those words. He dealt with persecution, imprisonment and eventually death. Yet through it all, he never lost his heart. It is so easy, when things are going good, to make statements and promises that are hard to keep during adverse times. Just as Peter did to Jesus. His promise was that even if everyone else left Jesus, he would stay and fight to his death. His intentions were good, he even drew his sword and took a swing at the enemy. However, when the adrenaline stopped flowing and things quieted down, Peter had second thoughts and lost his heart. The wise man tells us in Proverbs to guard our heart because the issues of life come from it. (Pro 4:23) Of course he isn’t speaking of our blood pumper, but the seat of our emotions and thoughts. This is the place many of our decisions are made. The influences of our lives come from our heart. It is from our heart that the voice whispers to us telling us to do something or not to do it. We would do well to be careful what we allow to come into our heart. There is an urgent need to protect our hearts. Not too many years after the night in the garden and the tragic mistake in the courtyard, Peter’s heart is once again put to the test. He is lead before a court and found guilty of preaching about Jesus Christ. The judge condemns him to death and he is led away to his execution. Of course we have no way of knowing but my imagination tells me that Peter’s heart was reminding him of the night so long ago when it had failed him. Oh the shame and frustration that had resulted from the wrong decision. No! It won’t fail him now. He might die for what he believed but he would die willingly. And he did! Yes, we might lose our head. Things might not go the way we planned or hoped that they would. However, we must protect our hearts at all costs. Our heart affects everything I do so I must keep it safe. Remember, it’s just a thought!

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