Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We Think Different!

You have probably heard the wise counsel that men think different from women. You might have even read the book that explains how different men and women are in their thinking. In fact the name itself stresses that fact, “Men are from Venus and Women are from Mars” or maybe it is the other way around? If you have been married for very long you know this to be true. Something you might not realize is that we, people, think differently than God thinks. Yes God has created us in his image and likeness. Yet we think differently from the way he thinks. He is infinite in his wisdom and understanding. You and I are very limited in our wisdom and understanding. God lives in the eternal present. We live in the moment. God knows the beginning from the end. I have a hard time knowing what time it is. God is the author and finisher of our faith. I am busy trying to take the hand life has dealt me and make it through today. Yes, we think differently. Realizing the difference in our thinking, God and me, will help me to better deal with life. Understanding that God is thinking on a different level, than I am, will help me to make it through those moments of uncertainty and fear. It will allow me to know the peace of God that is beyond understanding. Remembering God’s ways aren’t always my ways will enable me to trust him and allow God to guard my heart and mind. (Philippians 4:6-7) Let me give you some examples of the differences in the way God thinks and the way that I think: #1 God’s thinking is different from mine. A. Here I am in a storm and I think “Oops! I shouldn’t be here! I have made a bad mistake somewhere that has landed me in this situation.” B. In a storm God thinks, “AWESOME! This is an opportunity to show my love, my mercy and my power. You are right where I want you.” #2 God’s thinking is different from mine. A. I am in a desert place and I think, “I have missed God and I am being punished.” B. In a desert place God thinks, “This is the perfect place to show my sustaining power. Let me teach you that you can rely on my word and prepare you for a ministry and a new level of relationship with me.” #3 God’s thinking is different from mine. A. I see the halt, the blind and the lame and ask, “Who sinned to cause this condition.” B. God sees the same halt, the blind and the lame and says, “No one sinned. This is so they can see my power in him!” #4. God’s thinking is different from mine. A. I see those in need and feel inadequate and lacking. B. God sees those in need and says, “I don’t have anything of earthly value to give you, but I will give you something that will change you life forever!” #5 God’s thinking is different from mine. A. I see myself as wise and insightful. I have it all figured out! B. God sees my wisdom as foolish, weak and worthless. His foolishness is wiser than my greatest wisdom. (1Corinthians 3:19-20) So, again, it comes down to relationship. I have got to learn to trust God in all things. I don’t have to have it all figured out, but I simply have to trust him. When I submit my life and will to God I allow him to have control and being my life to the place he has prepared for me in his kingdom. Paul, in 1Corinthians chapter two tells us that it is the spirit of God that allows us to understand the things of God. Our eyes have never seen and our ears have never heard the things that God has prepared for those that love him. Nevertheless, God will reveal them to us by his spirit. Not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God. The Holy Ghost will teach us the spiritual things that are foolishness to a natural thinking man. We have to change the way in which we think and allow God to renew our minds through his Word and through his Spirit. No, I don’t think like God. My thinking is a lot different from his. Yet I am trying to learn to be like the Psalmist who wrote: “Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.” (Ps 25:4-5) In other words, Lord, teach me to think like you do. Well, it is just a thought!

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