Sunday, March 4, 2012

Living Life!

Rain fell in sheets as inside the Church the father of the bride said, in an emotion choked voice, “What’s that Parson, who gives this woman away? Her mother and I.” The young man took the hand of the young lady and they together turned to face the preacher as he began to speak.

Someone sung another song that talked about God teaching us to love. Still they sung another song about the Tie that Binds. The two preachers shared more words. The couple exchanged vows. A Bible was given as a symbol of the foundation the marriage was to be built on.

Finally, the long awaited moment, they pronounce the couple husband and wife. A kiss is given! The couple makes the long walk down the aisle, while the miniature bride and groom jump off the stage and run behind them.

They enjoy cake and fellowship, as people wish the newlyweds’ good luck. A container is passed and many bless the couple with a love offering to help them enjoy a few days together.

Finally it is time for the couple to leave. Many have already left the Church to drive home but a few remain behind to see the couple off. The rain has stopped but the night is still very dark and wet. The couple climbs into the 1969 Mercury Montego Coupe and pull out of the parking lot heading into “a life together.”

No one could predict what the future would hold. There was no way to see all of the thrills and spills. How could anyone know the triumphs and disappointments that would come during the years to follow. That night there wasn’t a mountain that they couldn’t climb or a river that couldn’t be crossed. All that lay ahead, it seemed, was easy victories and great promises.

For life to be lived to its fullest, there will be victories and there will be defeats. A definition of life could be emotional. Like our emotions, which go up and down, so goes life. The key is to have a firm foundation, something to build on. Build life together on something that never changes. The Word of God is forever and unchanging. It is the perfect foundation on which to build a life.

Children came to the young family. First a son was born. Oh the magic of the moment when life is first recognized to have come from you and the one you love. Nothing can compare to that moment. Next a daughter is born. Daddy looks into her dark eyes and he is lost forever. Then, there is the night when she stops breathing and high speed trips are made to the hospital. Hours spent waiting for doctors to discover what is wrong. The two stands together in the hallway listening to their baby scream as the doctors run more tests. A trial! A wilderness! It is a time of learning to lean on the mercy of God.

Life is being lived! A father suddenly becomes ill and passes from life. He is so very young and so is his daughter. Again, a time of learning to lean on God and draw strength from His well. Lessons are learned from the late night times of prayer. Lessons that say that God orders the steps of a righteous man and He takes joy in those steps. You might weep during the night, but the sun will come up and with it will be joy.

Another son is born. So different from his brother and sister in so many ways. He is born during another wilderness time. It is a reminder that the blessings of the Lord come even when you don’t know where God is.

What is life? It is but a wisp of steam, a vapor. You get up every day and live life until one day you look back and realize that thirty-four years have passed since that rainy night when you said, “We will!” Years of blessings!

Children have become teenagers and then adults. They have left the nest and now have their own families. There are moments when you wish you could roll back the years and again enjoy those precious moments of yesteryear. You would go a little slower this time and spend a little more time enjoying those things that are so important. You would recognize things so important now. If you could do it again, you would make sure you emphasized how crucial a love for the Word of God is to a life. You would spend more time kneeling beside your family in prayer. Make sure they realized the importance of a personal relationship with God.

There is no going back! You’ve done the best you could do. Now you have entered another chapter of life. The foundation is still firm because the Word of God is sure. Prayers are made for your children. Precious hours are spent with them and their children. Oh the glorious times of family gathered. Listening to the laughter as precious memories are shared. Watching the grandsons as they play.

Life has a different look now. You are thinking about life from a different perspective. There was a time when it was about building and conquering. Now life is about influencing and teaching. It is about what you will leave someone else someday.

The old Mercury is gone. Other cars have been used to travel the hundreds of thousands of miles since that night thirty-four years ago. Three children have been raised. Three grandsons have been enjoyed. Five churches have been pastored through those years. Many songs have been sung and many messages have been preached. Tears have been shed, but laughter has been there all along the way. A couple, started life together and continuing on. Trusting in each other. Depending upon God. Standing on the Word of God. Blessed beyond measure. No one knows what tomorrow holds, but we do know who holds our hand.

Remember, it’s just a thought!

Dedicated to my wonderful wife Melinda! I love you . . .

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