Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You are Talking Like a Kid!

Aren’t children amazing? They are so much smarter than we give them credit for. I have witnessed them doing amazing things. Today I listened to a two-year-old sing the “ABC’s” song. Well he sang most of it anyway. He is just now starting to talk but he can belt out “ABC . . . !”

A while back I told a four year old boy, who asked me if I was taking him home, that I was going to take him to the dump. He laughed at me and said, “No, this is a bus. It is not a dump truck! Take me home.”

Recently I heard a child tell another child something that was a complete fabrication of the truth. The second child reacted to the lie and began to whine. One of the adults that was there reassured the second child that what was said was not true and everything was going to be all right. The child continued to whimper for a while but then calmed down. The first child then said the same thing over again to the second child, calling them by name. The reaction of the second child was the same, and they began to whine. Again the adult reassured the child that this was not true and everything would be all right.

Just before we arrived at the home of the second child, the child began to sing out that they were going to see their daddy. The first child then called the second child by name and said, “No! That’s my daddy! No! That’s my daddy!” The second child responded by collapsing in hysteria! They began to cry out that it was their daddy and could not be consoled at all. Even when we arrived at the home and the father of the child came to take them off the bus they continued to cry. All the time the first child laughed and thought it was funny.

As we left the home and began to drive down the road I thought to myself, “How foolish to become so upset by such a complete and obvious fabrication of the truth.” The child knew whose daddy it was. They were reassured by those in authority that the other child was not telling the truth. Yet they chose to believe the lie to the glee of the one that is making it up.

I was then struck by the realization of how often we allow this to happen in our lives. The enemy of our soul loves to taunt and terrorize us with lies. In fact Jesus described him this way, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44

He loves to tell us something that is obviously a lie and then sit back and watch us react to it in fear and frustration. He will call your name and taunt you! He will challenge your spirituality and authority. He doesn’t care that he is lying, he only wants to cause you trouble. He only wants to plant seeds of fear in your heart and mind. The whole time he sits back and laughs!

He will bring up every mistake you ever made and heap condemnation upon you. Then laugh while you beg God to have mercy on you and chuckle as you live in fear of the judgement of God. He will call your name and tell you that you don’t have faith and that is why you are going through the situations that you face. Then laugh when you hang your head and cry because you feel like a failure. He will tell you that you are losing your mind because of past mistakes. Then rolls on the floor in glee as you tremble with fear!

All the time this is happening, the authority in your life is telling you that these are just lies. What is being said is obviously not true! We do have power, faith and sound mind and it comes directly from God! (2 Timothy 1:7) We are children of the King and have spiritual authority as our heritage. We are God’s kids! (Romans 8:15-17)

We don’t have to worry about our past mistakes. We have the assurance that if we have confessed them to God, then God has forgiven us of them and cleansed us from all wrong doing. (1 John 1:9) We are also reassured that the only one who can condemn us is Jesus Christ and He isn’t condemning us because He is on our side! (Romans 8:31-34)

So the next time you hear that taunting voice. You know that voice that preaches to us about our failures. The next time you hear that voice, just stop for a moment and listen to the voice of authority, the Word of God! The holler back to the taunter, “You are just talking like a kid!”

Well, it’s just a thought!

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