Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Summer Rain!

Don’t you just love summer rain? A good old summer storm with the dry ground and pavement soaking up the moisture almost as soon as it hits until it really begins to rain. The smell of the hot dry ground as it is wet by the rain is so fragrant and refreshing. There is anticipation as you wait for the rain to come. You are wondering how long it will last and if there will be enough to meet the needs of nature.

Eight weeks ago our area of the country was hit by a series of severe storms. It rained several inches of rain, flooding roads, fields and ditches. Creeks, streams, rivers and even lakes quickly filled their boarders and overflowed their banks. There was so much water and it rained for so long the ground was saturated by it.

Prior to these rains we had been a little dry in our area. In fact people were concerned that we were headed for a drought because it had been so long since it had rained. Now we had rain in abundance, in fact, we had so much people were now complaining about too much rain.

When the rain stopped it, stopped! We have now been six or seven weeks with only a few drops, and that is almost literally. Now the ground is dry! Lawns are starting to turn brown and dry up. Trees are looking a little bit peaked and withered and some are already losing leaves. People are now saying they hope it rains. We really need some water.

Then today it rained! It started with just a few sprinkles and then it dampened the ground. The smell of the wet ground was strong and many expressed how good it smelled. Several people just went out and stood in the first light shower, enjoying the refreshment it brought to them as well as to nature. Pretty soon the light shower turned into a good rain storm and a renewed look began to appear all around.

This is so typical of us as Christians. We go through very dry periods in our lives until we become parched and withered. We wilt and we become peaked. Our spiritual lives droop and it is only with great effort that we remain alive.

Then the rain comes! That Holy Ghost rain! It quenches the dry thirstiness of our souls. It brings a refreshing and renewal to our lives. We can feel it seep through us invigorating us as it flows through our innermost being.

I am reminded of the words of Jesus as He said if we believe on Him as the scripture has said out of our innermost part will flow rivers of living water. He was talking about the Holy Ghost that would be given. He was speaking of the refreshing and renewing of His Spirit that will flood our souls.

The prophet Isaiah told us that if we were thirsty and hungry we could come to the waters and find satisfaction. It is free! We don’t have to have a great big checking account! We just have to have two things to qualify. We have to be hungry and we have to be thirsty. That is all!

No matter how hard I try to avoid them. Those times of dryness will come. I have learned that when I am enjoying the rains, of the Spirit, to fill my reservoirs. Yet there are times when the reservoirs begin to run low. I am so thankful that the rain will come. The time of blessings will return to my life. Strength will return and the reservoirs will once again be full and overflowing.

Well, remember . . . it’s just a thought! God bless!

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