Friday, January 10, 2014

A Miracle Happened After 38 Years


Well, where do I start? From the time I was a baby I had a growth problem with my leg... When I was very young I started wearing a brace to hopefully stretch my ligaments to help me walk a little better. Although the stretching of the ligament was not going to grow my bones, it would help my leg some where I wouldn’t walk on my tiptoes. Which the length needed to grow too. But doctors cannot grow bones so they worked on the tendon.
Well my mom had to exercise my foot all the time and I had to wear a brace to school. The brace went up to my knees it was very noticeable! So as a child I got all the jokes I could stand. Which we are human and we carry a lot of the bad comments into our adult life and after awhile you believe them.
After some time, I don’t remember my age.. My mother just got tired of the braces and exercising my foot so she just quit! So I’m a young child that is growing up walking on my tip toe and not to mention the length wasn’t the same.. So I really got the looks ridicule from all the people in high school.
I adjusted as life went on ... But my infirmity never stopped me from trying to live life to the fullest! I would run jump play anything I could! To make a long story short.. I have done a lot of things with this infirmity... I went to college, got married, became a mom...
When I got in church and God filled me with the Holy Ghost in on April 20 th, 1997!! Wow! How amazing! God loved me despite all the harsh words I had heard from people in my life!!! How that I was crippled and made fun of but inspite of all that the God of Heaven still loved me!!!
I really enjoyed church! I loved soul-winning and was on fire for God! The infirmity that I had in my leg never stopped me from witnessing! I was going to win people to God walking straight or not!! Now through life I always got prayer for my leg and my foot! Don’t get me wrong… I did! I didn’t make an issue about it.. just would always go get prayer. If God healed me… “Wonderful” and if God didn’t heal me,” Wonderful!” My infirmity never stopped my walk with the Lord!
On January 14, 2012 , like any other day , I got up getting ready to start my day. I knew that Bro. Doran’s in Osceola was having revival! I just felt an overwhelming desire to go, which I love to go to church anyways but this was like overwhelming! So , I went to church that night! I knew God must have something special and amazing in this service so I was on my way! I never dreamed that I would be the miracle that was so profound that night!
After preaching, there was an alter call , so I went! I always go try to give things to God and to cleanse myself from the message being taught that night! People prayed for a while in the alter and God was moving greatly! Bro. Houseworth asked , “Is there a person here that has a problem with their right leg?” Well, I just raised my hands and said, “I do!” He asked, “What’s wrong with your leg? “ I said, well, my right leg is shorter than the left leg.” I think Bro. Houseworth said, Well, that’s a good problem.. lol.. or something to that nature. So, prayer began and then Bro. Houseworth wanted me to sit in a chair, so I did! Well, a lady laid her hands on my feet and prayer began again! I was enjoyed just the presence of God , when all of the sudden, I here a “ahhhhhh” and people praising God! I was like that has got to be good!!! Are you ready? EVERYONE WATCHED MY LEG GROW IN FRONT OF THEIR EYES!!!! IT GREW 2 INCHES OR MORE! I was like such in shock to the miracle itnever really came into my spirit till the next morning. I woke up and both feet hit the floor.NO MORE TIPTOEING! I tried to walk like I used to and when I did my right leg would raise up too high!!!There was no need to do that because God gave me new bones! I now walk flat-footed! My bones in my hip do not hurt!! It is truly amazing! Im still in awe!! I DON’T WALK LIKE I USED TO WALK..HE MADE THE DIFFERENCE!!!!
I was chatting with a friend.. she said , that the man that was at the pool of Bethesda was there for 38 years! Well, I am 39! A baby usually starts walking good after the first year! So, I was healed of an infirmity that I had for 38 years!! My story goes along so much with this story! When God healed the man , the Lord healed him “wholly” which is his body , spirit and soul!! Every since I have received this miracle, I feel like I have been healed entirely, “wholly” . All the pain from the past and years of emotional abuse from having an infirmity feel erased from my mind! Because humans are cruel and after years of hearing comments when I was young , you really feel like you are not good enough!! Or that you will never be good enough! But praise be to God, I’m healed body soul and spirit now!! God is amazing! I love Him! 

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