Saturday, June 15, 2013

If I Could Talk To Dad...

As I was leaving work yesterday, a co-worker said, “Happy Father’s Day, Don.” I replied, “You have a great one as well.” She said, “Thank you, but my father is gone.” I hesitated for a moment and said, “Mine is too. I really do miss him.”

We went our separate ways. I walked about twenty feet or so and was suddenly overwhelmed by a great sense of loneliness and began to weep right there in the parking lot. I hurried to my car and the tears continued to flow. I was surprised, embarrassed and at a loss. My father was promoted to heavenly duties almost fourteen years ago, why the sudden rush of tears? Then it came to me, I really wanted to just sit and talk to Dad.

One of the things I treasured about my relationship with my Dad was that I could talk to him about anything. I don’t remember him ever having the attitude that because he was Dad he knew it all. It seems to me that he always listened to my opinion or thoughts and then gave his when it was asked for. So, as I drove toward home I began to think, with the tears still streaming, of what I would talk to Dad about if he were still around.

I would talk to him about my kids and how proud I am of them. Justin has become the horseman that he has always wanted to be. He owns a business, a store, selling tack and supplies for horses and riders. He has a great son, Zac and is a wonderful father with fatherly qualities that I wish I had possessed at his age. Yes, Dad would be so proud of Justin.

I would tell him about our little girl, Abby. What a wonderful mother she has become. She takes good care of her boys, Donavan and Declan. Oh how Dad would laugh at them and the funny things they say. He would love Kelsey and would enjoy talking with him. I would also tell Dad how thankful I am for the way that Kelsey loves and takes care of Abby and his boys. How good that makes me feel. He would be thankful to know of their love for God and their desire to be used in the kingdom of God. Dad would be thankful.

I would tell him about Jared. I see so much of Dad in Jared. His love for the Word of God. He has a love for people and a tenderness that touches others. I would tell him how much I love to hear Jared preach, I know Dad would understand. I would tell him about Amber and what a blessing she has been to Jared and to our family. Dad would be proud of Jared as well.

If I could talk to Dad, today, I would be sure to let him know what a great son he raised in Tim. I know Dad was concerned when he left because Tim was so young. But Dad, you and Mom did well. He is a great man, father and husband. Added to all of that, he is a great man of God. He has raised his family to love and serve the same God that you served. Dad, you can be thankful.

I would tell Dad about that I started teaching a home Bible Study the other day to a friend from work. It was so exciting to sit in McDonald’s and show him the things of God in the scripture and to see the excitement on his face. We met at his house this week and he is wanting to bring friends and family to study with us. I am really excited Dad.

While we are talking, there are some things that concern me, greatly, that I would love to share with Dad. I received an email from a person who is deeply concerned because their pastor has changed his message. He seems to be straying from the Truth of the Word of God and following the easier way. I also heard of a pastor who recently said he wouldn’t name sin.  It wasn’t his job. Dad always taught us that we were to love truth and we were to preach straight, easy to understand messages that would help people to know right from wrong. One of Dad’s favorite sayings was, “After you are finished dancing and shouting, you need to walk right, talk right and spit white!” That is how I am trying to live.

I would tell Dad about Melinda.  She was always his favorite girl. I am so proud of her! She has started college and is doing well. She works so hard and gives it everything she has. What a wonderful mother and grandmother she is. She loves her babies! I would let Dad know that she is also taking care of Margie and Mom. She watches out for them as much as they will let her, you know how those two are.

Well there is so much to say and to share with someone you haven’t seen in a long time. I would be sure to tell him how Mom is. I am taking care of her for you, just like I promised. She slowing down a lot, she will be eighty this August. She takes her walks down the road a couple times a day, but she carries a cane now to help when she gets tired. Oh, but she is just as ornery as she ever was. Hey, she is just as funny, too. Dad, you are still her favorite subject. Every once in a while, at least once a week, she will bring in a picture and ask, “Have you ever seen this?” It will be one that she has shown me several times before and I know that she is just wanting to talk about her man. She is doing well.

I would end our talk by saying, “Dad, I do ok with the holidays and birthday, when they come and go. I always miss you on those occasions. However, it’s on Father’s Day that I have a hard time. That was our special day! So, before I say goodbye I just want to thank you for being such a great Dad. Thank you for teaching me to be a man. You taught me how to love my God, my family, my Church and my country. You taught me the importance of giving and loving. You showed me how to stand for truth and godliness. I love and miss you, Dad!”

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