Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Can You Believe Him for the Glory?

I looked out the window of my office just in time to see the long Cadillac make a sweeping u-turn and pull to the curb in front of the Church. Ole’ Big John got out of the car and headed toward the door of the Church. It looked like he was in a hurry. Maybe just a bit excited.
Big John was a new convert to the Church. He and his wife had just been coming a few months and God had begun a great work in their lives. We were excited to witness the change that was taking place in their lives. With this in mind, I was expectant as I waited to find out what had caused Big John to stop by that day.
I greeted him at the door and Big John quickly came to the reason for his visit. He said, “Pastor, I was driving along and was listening to the radio. They announced the bumper sticker for the day and I just had to share it with you!”
Of course, I was interested and told him so. He said, “Well the bumper sticker of the day says, ‘don’t tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is!’”
More than ten years later, I still remember that occasion as if it were yesterday. Can we really trust God to be bigger than our problems? We can believe God for the past. We can believe God for the present. We can believe God for the future. However, can we believe God for the Glory?
Mary, Martha and Lazarus were dear friends of Jesus. Jesus has left Jerusalem and has journeyed to a place called Bethabara; this is where John the Baptist had headquartered during his ministry. Not long after He arrives, word comes to Jesus that His dear friend, Lazarus, is very sick. Upon receiving the news of Lazarus’ sickness Jesus tells His disciples the reason for this sickness was not unto death and He continues doing what He was doing for two more days.
Now, after Lazarus has died, Jesus shows up on the scene. When they arrived in Bethany, the news is Lazarus has been in his tomb for four days. Somebody got the message to Martha that Jesus was coming to her house and she ran to meet him. Upon greeting him, Martha asks Jesus why He did not come sooner. Mary falls at His feet and states that if He had come sooner; her brother would not have died.
Martha and Mary were able to believe for the past, present and future: They made comments to Jesus that said, “If you had been here… I believe even now… I believe in the resurrection of the dead…” However, as much as they loved Jesus they were having a hard time believing that the death of their loved one was for the glory of God. Their thoughts, feelings and words told Him, “You could have healed him! You can still heal him! You can raise him in the resurrection! But how could you let this happen?”
So many times as we face the tests of this life, we find it hard to believe Him for the Glory. We believe for the past, the present and the future but have a hard time believing for the glory.
I grew up listening to stories of past miracles and wonders. These were not just Bible stories these were stories from my parents and others who had personally seen the wonders of God. My father often told us a story that took place when he was a child.
His Grandfather, Joseph Doran, had started a church in the Tulare, California area. They had taken two railroad boxcars, put them together, and made a church building. They had sawdust on the floors and an old oil drum made into a heater in the middle of it for heat. He told me of how they would shout and dance all around that stove with their eyes closed and never touch it.
One day his grandmother fell and in doing so crushed both of her kneecaps. The Doctors told her she would never walk without crutches. She came to church and the elders laid hands on her anointing her with oil and praying the prayer of faith. Dad said he watched as one crutch went one way, the other crutch went flying in a different and Grandma danced all over that little railroad car Church! Twenty or thirty years later, when she died she was still walking without the aid of a crutch!
With stories like this, it is not hard to believe God for the past! God could heal! I grew up with stories of God providing for His Children. Theses were not just Bible stories these were stories of God doing it for people I know personally. Yes, we can believe Him for the past.
It is not hard to believe God for the present when you are seeing God work all around you. I personally have prayed for the sick and seen them recover instantly. I personally have prayed for a need and watched God meet the need instantly. No, it is not hard to believe God for the present, for right now!
It is not hard to believe God for the future. I really do not have a hard time believing that God will take care of my family and me from now on. I do not have a hard time believing that if I love His Word and live His Word I will receive my reward. I do not have a hard time believing if I apply the Word of God to my life God will bless and keep me as He has promised. I do not have a hard time believing Him for the future.
I must confess, however, there are times I do have a hard time believing that the test I am in is for the Glory of God. I do have times when it is hard to stand before the grave of all that I have dreamed of and worked for and believe it has died to bring Glory to God.
I stood at the foot of the ICU bed of a dear saint. Only few days earlier I had talked with them on the phone. I was checking on them before we left on vacation. They had what seemed to be a minor backache but said they would go to the chiropractor and all would be fine. I was not prepared to receive the phone call that told me they had slipped into a coma and there was little hope of survival.
We rushed home and to the hospital. I laid hands on her and prayed the prayer of faith, but nothing happened. I joined family and church family members in the hospital waiting room and we all prayed together. Nothing happened. I returned several times to the ICU and prayed. Nothing happened.
Just moments before this dear saint passed away, I felt desperation and asked God, “Don’t I have enough faith to see this saint healed? I preach faith and healing! I preach trusting God with your wants and desires! I preach God will supply your every need! This person has loved ones standing here with broken hearts watching them die! Don’t I have the faith to see this faithful saint healed?”
It was as if God spoke to me in a clear, audible voice. “Yes you have the faith to see them healed. You have the faith to see them raised from the dead. The question is, “Do you have the faith to believe I am doing the right thing and that this will bring Glory to me?”
Several days later, as a direct result of the death of this precious saint, a loved one came to God. This saint had told me months before they were willing to pay any price to see this loved one come back to God. They paid the price that made the loved one God conscious and God received the Glory.
Jesus stood before the tomb of His dear friend. Around Him, he hears the weeping of those dear to Him. His heartbreaks and He too begins to weep. Those standing around watching cannot understand why He did not come and heal His own friend.
Then He regains His composure. He wipes tears from His damp cheeks and dries His eyes. With an authorities voice He tells those standing around to roll back the stone. Then with a loud voice, He calls Lazarus from his “sleep!” Can you believe Him for the Glory?
I have experienced times of testing. I have not been able to make sense of what is happening. I have struggled and fretted. I have asked God, “Why?” Then somewhere in the testing, I have recognized the answer is simply to step back and let God do it for His Glory!
Yes, I can believe Him for the past, I have seen and heard the stories. I can believe Him for the present, I know what He can do. I can believe Him for the future, I will stand on His Word. My prayer, however, is that I might believe Him for the Glory!
It’s Just a Thought! God Bless…

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