Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lot, Why Did You Chose Sodom?

Have you ever wondered why a person made a certain decision? Maybe you are looking back in time, like in a history book, and wondering why they made a decision that had a devastating effect on their lives and from your vantage point you can see they should have done something different. I have often asked, “I wonder why they did what they did?” “What were they thinking? “ Those are questions that came to my mind recently concerning Lot.

Now, let me assure you, I do not have an inside track into the mind of Lot. I really have no way of knowing exactly what he was thinking or any way to find out exactly what he was thinking. However, I asked myself the question, as if I were speaking to Lot, “Lot, why did you move to Sodom? Why did you make that choice?”

When Abraham left Haran at the direction of God, he brought with him Lot, his brother’s son. God had spoken to Abraham and told him to go to a place that God would show him. Abraham and his family end up in the land of Canaan. Upon their arrival here, the Lord appears to Abraham and promises him this land and that the promise and the land would be passed on to Abraham’s children. Every thing seems to be going along great and then they hit a snag. A famine comes over the land. With the famine, Abraham decides to continue south to Egypt.
After being in Egypt a short time, Abraham and Lot leave Egypt and return to Bethel, where they had pitched their tents prior to their trip to Egypt. Things still are not normal. They were already rich and both Lot and Abraham have lots of herds and people working for them. Now, settled in one place there is conflict between the two camps. The bickering becomes so unsettling that Abraham finally approaches Lot and suggests they part ways. Abraham offers Lot first choice and promises to go in the opposite direction. The Bibles says Lot looked at the well watered plains of Jordon that were like the Garden of God and he wanted to live there. So Lot made the choice and lived in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent toward Sodom.

Why would he choose to live here? Did he not see the dangers of living in an area that was so perverse and ungodly? Was he not worried about his family and the exposure they would receive from these cities? Why would he choose Sodom, for the next time we read of Lot he is not living in the plains, he is not living in the cities in the plains, nor is he living with his tent door facing Sodom? He is living in Sodom and is a highly respected citizen sitting in the gate of the city. WHY!?

I think the clue is found in the scripture that describes the plains and cities let me quote:
“And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar.” Gen 13:10 (emphasis mine)

Lot chose Sodom because it reminded him of Egypt. In his journey to Egypt he had gotten a taste for it and when he saw Sodom he disregarded all of the danger to satisfy that hunger. Of course, all through the Old Testament Egypt is an example of sin and the world. It is a type of a place that is far from God and the things God stands for. It is often typical of slavery and bondage. Lot had a taste for Egypt.

We as Christians would do well to be careful to protect ourselves from Egypt. There are going to be times in our walk with God when we will be in the blessings of God, yet it will seem the blessing will not last. Heed the warning; do not go to Egypt to find another blessing! Stand on the promise of God. Abraham left Canaan and Bethel where God had promised blessings and went to Egypt because of a famine. Lot was introduced to Egypt while there.

Parents, how often do we introduce our children to the world and its ways just because we are unsure of the promises of God? Do we give them a taste for Egypt in our moment of weakness? How often do we introduce ourselves to the bounty of Egypt and then wonder why we are struggling with ungodly desires and hungers. Have we looked at the cities of the plains and pitched our tents toward their offerings because of a trip to Egypt?

Sometimes we make mistakes, we are only human. There are times when we will fail to trust God in a moment of weakness and take a trip to Egypt. However when we come to ourselves we must realize we do have a choice. We can return to the place of God’s promise and claim His blessings or we can turn toward the place that reminds us of Egypt. The choice is ours.
Lot, why did you choose Sodom? It reminded me of Egypt…

Just a thought! God Bless…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother,I appreciate that message and it blessed me!